dpcunningham / exertimer_i4ng_v0

Public Tutorial (from Gary Simon's DesignCourse): Build an exercise interval timer using Ionic4/Angular
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install and run the app on iOS devices #26

Open dpcunningham opened 4 years ago

dpcunningham commented 4 years ago

Ryan (who was doing Mac-based build cycles) offers the following guidance on his project page:

Getting it on your iOS device.

dpcunningham commented 4 years ago

Ryan offers more extensive guidance on iOS builds here...

His project focuses on deploying Ionic/Angular projects to iOS devices. For Ionic, we have a menu of the following for testing or production:

Starting up with Mac on Ionic/Angular.


Install npm and node

Global installs

Node can either install packages for a certain project, or globally. For Mac, global installs will work across logins. You'll need the following globally installed:

Setup an account for signing apps here. This will be required for deploying to an iOS device.

Start a new project, called insa

At this point, you can run the ionic project as a web app:

To end the ionic server, hit ctrl-c.

Since we are doing iOS, we need to set the bundle identifier. It needs to be globally unique. Try something like com.example4223. Edit config.xml. On the second line, there will be <widget id="io.ionic.starter"... . Change io.ionic.starter to a unique identifier.

Notice that the Bundle Identifier will reflect what was typed earlier. Go to the Signing & Capabilities tab. Select your team for signing the application. It's easier to use a personal team, which requires an Apple ID. Note that a collision on the global namespace for Bundle Identifier will require a different ID.

Plug in the iOS device with a cable. From XCode, select your device on the top toolbar. Make sure the device is unlocked. The device may ask for permission to be used as a test device. You'll probably need to enter in the device password. Hit "play", and the app should be pushed to the device and able to be used.

You can also run the emulator from this directory. The emulator does not need the bundle identifier set, so you can skip those steps if you just want to emulate a device.