dpcunningham / exertimer_i4ng_v0

Public Tutorial (from Gary Simon's DesignCourse): Build an exercise interval timer using Ionic4/Angular
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Public Tutorial (from Gary Simon's DesignCourse): Build an exercise interval timer using Ionic4/Angular

Suffix: Ionic 4 Angular with a version number of 0 (in case my boys want to start extending this one).

Gary Simon has a fantastic learning resource for those interested in learning more about mobile development using the Ionic 4 cross-platform framework. His (1h7m) video here: Ionic 4 Crash Course for Beginners - Build an App is a really fun way to experience a full build cycle.  

Again, this is not an systematic or exhaustive approach to the Ionic framework, just a fun "get your hands dirty" exploration, with the added benefit of a cool little demo you can show to your friends: "hey, look at my app!"

ionic public tutorial app

We'll also expend some effort devdeloping a practical git-to-GitHub strategy & methodology, because right now, I know diddly-squat about git and GitHub. I grew up in the "bad old days" of cvs (pray you never have to use it!) and svn (which I used to be "jealous" of, but we weren't using on our project). Hah!

Have to say, I'm impressed by git/GitHub. But, just like any firearm, you have to understand safety, and have an instinct to keep the "danger-end of the stick" pointed in the "safe-ish" direction (downrange). And, it's got a lot of control buttons, so like any (too?) complex weapon system, if you're not careful, you can end up with eternal regret that you pushed the wrong button or twisted the wrong knob. So I reconl it's worth thinking about, and getting some practice in on it.

It's all good clean fun, right? What could go wrong?

Hello?... Hello? Come in! Are you there?...

Here's our process so far:

To-Dos Include: