dpeerlab / PhenoGraph

Subpopulation detection in high-dimensional single-cell data
MIT License
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PhenoGraph for Python3

PhenoGraph is a clustering method designed for high-dimensional single-cell data. It works by creating a graph ("network") representing phenotypic similarities between cells and then identifying communities in this graph.

This software package includes compiled binaries that run community detection based on C++ code written by E. Lefebvre and J.-L. Guillaume in 2008 ("Louvain method"). The code has been altered to interface more efficiently with the Python code here. It should work on reasonably current Linux, Mac and Windows machines.

To install PhenoGraph, simply run the setup script:

pip install PhenoGraph

Expected use is within a script or interactive kernel running Python 3.x. Data are expected to be passed as a numpy.ndarray. When applicable, the code uses CPU multicore parallelism via multiprocessing.

To run basic clustering:

import phenograph
communities, graph, Q = phenograph.cluster(data)

For a dataset of N rows, communities will be a length N vector of integers specifying a community assignment for each row in the data. Any rows assigned -1 were identified as outliers and should not be considered as a member of any community. graph is a N x N scipy.sparse matrix representing the weighted graph used for community detection. Q is the modularity score for communities as applied to graph.

If you use PhenoGraph in work you publish, please cite our publication:

  doi = {10.1016/j.cell.2015.05.047},
  url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2015.05.047},
  year  = {2015},
  month = {jul},
  publisher = {Elsevier {BV}},
  volume = {162},
  number = {1},
  pages = {184--197},
  author = {Jacob H. Levine and Erin F. Simonds and Sean C. Bendall and Kara L. Davis and El-ad D. Amir and Michelle D. Tadmor and Oren Litvin and Harris G. Fienberg and Astraea Jager and Eli R. Zunder and Rachel Finck and Amanda L. Gedman and Ina Radtke and James R. Downing and Dana Pe'er and Garry P. Nolan},
  title = {Data-Driven Phenotypic Dissection of {AML} Reveals Progenitor-like Cells that Correlate with Prognosis},
  journal = {Cell}

Release Notes

Version 1.5.7

Version 1.5.6

Version 1.5.5

Version 1.5.4

Version 1.5.3

Version 1.5.2

Version 1.5.1

Version 1.5

Version 1.4.1

Version 1.4

Version 1.3

Running the Unit Tests

Unit tests for assessing the functionality of each module are included in the 'tests\' directory. In addition to the dependencies required by PhenoGraph, to run these tests, you must first install the pytest module.

If your system uses Python >= 3.8.0 or greater, install pytest with:

pip install pytest #Python >= 3.8.0

Otherwise, install pytest with:

pip install pytest==6.0.2 #Python < 3.8.0

Once pytest is installed, navigate to the 'PhenoGraph/' directory and run with:


All tests should pass with no warnings.


Notebook freezes after several attempts of running PhenoGraph using Jypyter Notebook

Architecture related error

leidenalg inside conda environment

numpy.ufunc runtime warning when running pytest