dplesca / go-omxremote

browser based omxplayer remote
MIT License
16 stars 5 forks source link
golang omxplayer omxremote raspberry-pi svelte tailwindcss


Control raspberry pi omxplayer from the browser (including mobile browsers). It has absolutely zero dependencies. To install just download the latest release and run it. For help run it with the -h flag. Example usage (you can of course add it in your path and run it as a systemd service, unit file example below):

./go-omxremote -bind :some-port -media path/to/video/files

Command flags:

-bind string
    Address to bind on. If this value has a colon, as in ":8000" or
            "", it will be treated as a TCP address.
            (default ":31415")
-media string
    path to look for videos in (default ".")

-omx string
    omx options (default "-o hdmi")

The project is geared towards mobile usage, the interface has been tested on both Android and iOS devices. This project is intended to be used with local files only, to add YouTube playback functionality please check out this fork.

Exposed HTTP API

This application exposes a simple, minimal HTTP API for interfacing with the player. The exposed endpoints are:

Example systemd unit file

A minimal systemd unit file. It makes go-omxremote a service so you can control it between sessions and/or don't need a tmux/screen to keep it open.

Description="omxremote go web service"

ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/go-omxremote -media /path/to/media/files


Modify it


It's written in go. The front-end is written in html with a little sprinkled htmx, the style uses picocss.