dpriskorn / LexUtils

Collection of utilities to work semi-automatically on lexemes in Wikidata
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Note: This tool is deprecated in favor of Luthor

bild UsageExamples in action with Swedish examples from Wikisource and Riksdagen

This is a collection of tools that can be run from a read–eval–print loop (REPL) to improve Wikidata.

When LexUtils start you can choose on of the following tools currently available:


Install using pip: $ sudo pip install -r requirements.txt

If pip fails with errors related to python 2.7 you need to upgrade your OS. E.g. if you are using an old version of Ubuntu like 18.04.

Getting started

Please create a bot password for running the script for safety reasons here: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Special:BotPasswords

Copy or rename the file config.example.py to config.py and adjust the following variables:

username = "username"
password = "password"


When you get a prompt like "[Y/n]" the capitalized selection can be selected by pressing Enter. To select "n" type "n" followed by Enter.

Usage Examples

This tool enables you to easily find usage examples for any lexeme form (in the supported languages) in Wikidata that does not already have one and match them to a sense and then add them to the lexeme.

Warning: Currently only senses with a gloss in the current working language (with fallback to English) are fetched and shown to the user.

Being a CLI tool it enables you to quickly screw things up, so please be careful using it. Currently it does not support editgroups so if you need to rollback a change you have to do it manually.

Supported data sources

Multiple languages:


NLP pipelines

UsageExamples use spaCy NLP pipelines to detect sentence boundaries. The quality of this detection seems to vary between languages. As of this writing English and Swedish work pretty well, but Danish, French and German are slow and cuts a lot of sentences.

See also

List of other recommended tools to improve the lexemes:

What I learned making this tool