dpvcg / use-cases

Collecting use-cases, user-stories, and requirements to influence the development of DPV and other deliverables within the DPVCG.
MIT License
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IMPORTANT: the group and repository has moved to the W3C group github repo at https://github.com/w3c/dpv/ This repository is kept for archival purposes and will be removed.


This repository is meant for collecting use-cases and user-stories for the development of requirements for Data Privacy Vocabulary and other deliverables within the W3C Data Privacy Vocabularies and Controls Community Group (DPVCG).

To contribute, please open a new issue or comment on an existing one.


A use-case is of the form:

I want to do some process which requires some functional requirements.

A user-story is of the form:

As a type of user I want to do some goal so that some result

For examples, please see:


To submit a use-case or a user-story, open an issue with the use-case or user-story in the title. You can add further descriptions in the text, but please strive to make the title short enough to convey a (general) idea the single line.

Before submitting a new use-case or user-story, please check if there already exists an open issue that covers your idea. You can also use the labels to browse the issues by categories. If there is an existing issue that is similar or relevant to yours, you can add a comment to it to affirm support or open a discussion.


The DPVCG is a commuinity group where all efforts are led through community input and discussion. Providing these use-cases and user-studies helps drive the development, implementation, and adoption of the DPV (and other deliverables).

The DPV is a semantic vocabulary that provides terms (classes and properties) to annotate and categorize instances of legally compliant personal data handling according to requirements such as the GDPR. It enables representing terms to describe which personal data Categories are undergoing a specified kind of processing by a specific data controller and/or transferred to some recipient for a particular purpose, based on a specific legal ground (e.g., consent, or other legal grounds such as legitimate interest, etc.), with specified technical and organisational measures and restrictions (e.g., storage locations and storage durations) in place.

To this end, we welcome inputs from all forms of the community - individuals, organisations, commercial efforts / companies, governments, and other groups.