dpyeates / react-native-barometer

Provides barometric and altitude information for React-native apps for both IOS and Android.
MIT License
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Provides barometric and altitude information for React-native apps for both IOS and Android.

Getting started

yarn add react-native-barometer


npm install react-native-barometer --save

Mostly automatic installation (react-native 0.59 and lower)

react-native link react-native-barometer

Manual installation (react-native 0.59 and lower)

Manually link the library on iOS ### `Open RNBarometer.xcodeproj in Xcode` Drag `RNBarometer.xcodeproj` to your project on Xcode (usually under the Libraries group on Xcode): ![xcode-add](https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/assets/AddToLibraries.png) ### Link `libRNBarometer.a` binary with libraries Click on your main project file (the one that represents the `.xcodeproj`) select `Build Phases` and drag the static library from the `Products` folder inside the Library you are importing to `Link Binary With Libraries` (or use the `+` sign and choose library from the list): ![xcode-link](https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/assets/AddToBuildPhases.png) ### Using CocoaPods Update your `Podfile` ``` pod 'react-native-barometer', path: '../node_modules/react-native-barometer' ```
Manually link the library on Android #### `android/settings.gradle` ```groovy include ':react-native-barometer' project(':react-native-barometer').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-barometer/android') ``` #### `android/app/build.gradle` ```groovy dependencies { ... implementation project(':react-native-barometer') } ``` #### `android/app/src/main/.../MainApplication.java` On top, where imports are: ```java import com.sensorworks.RNBarometerPackage; ``` Add the `RNBarometerPackage` class to your list of exported packages. ```java @Override protected List getPackages() { return Arrays.asList( new MainReactPackage(), new RNBarometerPackage() ); } ```

Since react-native 0.60 and higher, autolinking makes the installation process simpler



import Barometer from 'react-native-barometer';

Barometer.watch((payload => {});





Before using, check to see if barometric updates are supported on the device.

const isSupported = Barometer.isSupported();


Optionally request an update interval in ms. The default update rate is (approx) 200ms, i.e. 5Hz.

// request updates once every second



The altitude event contains two altitudes. The first is the standard atmosphere altitude based upon the standard atmospheric pressure of 1013.25hPa. The second is an altitude based upon a pressure that you can configure. You typically use this to calibrate the altitude to a reference altitude, for example the field elevation of an airport.

// set the local pressure to 985hPa




Invokes the success callback whenever the pressure or altitude changes. The payload delivered via the callback is defined in the example below.

Returns a watchId (number).


Name Type Required Description
success function Yes Invoked at a default interval of 5hz This can be changed by using the setInterval method.


const watchId = Barometer.watch((payload) =>{


payload.timestamp - sample time in ms referenced to January 1, 1970 UTC

payload.pressure - current air pressure in hPa

payload.altitudeASL - altitude in metres based upon standard atmosphere

payload.altitude - altitude in metres based upon the local pressure

payload.relativeAltitude - altitude gained or lost since `watch()` was called.

payload.verticalSpeed - current vertical speed (+/-) in metres per second






Name Type Required Description
watchID number Yes Id as returned by watch().



Stops observing for all barometric updates.

In addition, it removes all listeners previously registered.

Note that this method does nothing if the Barometer.watch(successCallback) method has not previously been called.