dqian3 / DOM-BFT

MIT License
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Repository for WIP project on applying Deadline Ordered Multicast to a BFT protocol.

Note this repo is based off of Nezha.

Installing Bazel

I used Bazelisk as a wrapper for Bazel, which allows for us to specify a version of Bazel to use (5.2.0). The way third party dependencies are setup in this repo means that more recent versions of Bazel are not compatible.

Building Repository

To build the client

bazel build //processes/client/...

The same syntax is used to build the proxy, receiver and other components. You can also build all of them at the same time with something like

bazel build //processes/...


The built executables will be created by default in bazel-bin, inside of which is the same directory structure as the source, containing the executables.

The /scripts directory also contains a number of helpful scripts for running the executables both locally and remotely. See the README there for more details.


Tests exist for this code, though I make no guarantees about how comprehensive they are. The tests can be built with

bazel build //test/...

The files starting with test_ are actualy gtest tests for various components that I've built. There are also a few experimental "sandbox" programs that serve as examples of usage.

Basic Docker Setup

This repo includes a super basic Docker setup which can be used for development. Future work is planned to make it more realistic for testing and deployment.

The current way to use this setup is to simply run

docker compose run --rm dev

This will give you a bash shell in a conatiner where you can run the above commands to compile the code. Docker compose mounts the source code into the container as well, so any changes you make locally (i.e. in an editor) will be reflected in your conatiner.

RocksDB Setup

Currently, rocksdb is not built with bazel, but rather with apt system. To use the rocksdb as the application, after installing in the system, create symbolic links so that the bazel build system can recognize the library.

mkdir -p /root/DOM-BFT/external/rocksdb
ln -s /usr/include/rocksdb/* /root/DOM-BFT/external/rocksdb/