dr-joe-wirth / primerForge

software to identify primers that can distinguish genomes
Apache License 2.0
11 stars 4 forks source link


software to identify primers that can be used to distinguish genomes


pip installation

pip install primerforge

conda installation

conda install -c conda-forge -c bioconda primerforge

Manual installation

[!NOTE] This might take up to ten minutes.

git clone https://github.com/dr-joe-wirth/primerForge.git
conda env create -f primerForge/environment.yml
conda activate primerforge

Docker Installation

A Docker image for the latest release is available at DockerHub

Checking installation

If primerForge is installed correctly, then the following command should execute without errors:

primerForge --check_install

If you installed manually, you may need to use the following command instead

python primerForge.py --check_install

Running unit tests

In order to run unit tests, install primerForge using the instructions above. You will also need to clone the repository if you haven't already:

git clone https://github.com/dr-joe-wirth/primerForge.git

Once installed and cloned, run the following commands to run the unit tests:

[!NOTE] Running results_test.py may take up to three hours to complete

python3 primerForge/bin/unit_tests/clock_test.py
python3 primerForge/bin/unit_tests/parameters_test.py
python3 primerForge/bin/unit_tests/primer_test.py
python3 primerForge/bin/unit_tests/results_test.py


    primerForge [-ioaubfpgtrdnkvh]

required arguments:
    -i, --ingroup        [file] ingroup filename or a file pattern inside double-quotes (eg."*.gbff")

optional arguments: 
    -o, --out            [file] output filename for primer pair data (default: results.tsv)
    -a, --analysis       [file] output basename for primer analysis data (default: distribution)
    -u, --outgroup       [file(s)] outgroup filename or a file pattern inside double-quotes (eg."*.gbff")
    -b, --bad_sizes      [int,int] a range of PCR product lengths that the outgroup cannot produce (default: same as '--pcr_prod')
    -f, --format         [str] file format of the ingroup and outgroup genbank|fasta (default: genbank)
    -p, --primer_len     [int(s)] a single primer length or a range specified as 'min,max' (default: 16,20)
    -g, --gc_range       [float,float] a min and max percent GC specified as a comma separated list (default: 40.0,60.0)
    -t, --tm_range       [float,float] a min and max melting temp (Tm) specified as a comma separated list (default: 55.0,68.0)
    -r, --pcr_prod       [int(s)] a single PCR product length or a range specified as 'min,max' (default: 120,2400)
    -d, --tm_diff        [float] the maximum allowable Tm difference between a pair of primers (default: 5.0)
    -n, --num_threads    [int] the number of threads for parallel processing (default: 1)
    -k, --keep           keep intermediate files (default: False)
    -v, --version        print the version
    -h, --help           print this message
    --check_install      check installation
    --debug              run in debug mode (default: False)


flowchart TB
    ingroup[/"ingroup genomes"/]
    ingroup --> A

    %% get unique kmers
    subgraph A["for each genome"]
        uniqKmer["get unique kmers"]

    %% get shared kmers
    sharedKmers(["shared kmers"])
    uniqKmer -- intersection --> sharedKmers

    %% get candidate kmers
    subgraph B["for each genome"]
        subgraph B0["for each kmer start position"]
            subgraph B1["pick one kmer"]
                GC{"GC in
                Tm{"Tm in
                ≤ 3bp?"}
                hair{"no hairpins?"}
                dime{"no homo-

    %% connections up to candidate kmers
    sharedKmers --> B
    dump1[/"dump to file"/]
    sharedKmers --> dump1
    candidates(["unique, shared kmers; one per start position"])
    dime --> candidates

    %% get primer pairs
    subgraph C["for one genome"]
        bin1["bin overlapping kmers (64bp max)"]
        bin2["remove kmers that are
        substrings of other kmers"]
        bin3["get bin pairs"]

        %% evaluate one kmer pair
        subgraph C0["for each bin pair"]
            size{"is PCR
            size ok?"}
            subgraph C1["for each primer pair"]
                prime{"is 3' end
                G or C?"}
                temp{"is Tm
                difference ok?"}
                hetero{"no hetero-
            size --> C1

    candPair(["candidate primer pairs"])
    allSharePair(["all shared primer pairs"])

    %% get shared primer pairs
    subgraph D["for each candidate primer pair"]
        subgraph D0["for each other genome"]
            pcr{"is PCR
            size ok?"}

    bin1 --> bin2
    bin2 --> bin3
    bin3 --> C0
    prime --> temp --> hetero --> candPair
    candPair --> D
    pcr --> allSharePair

    %% one pair per bin pair
    subgraph E["for each bin pair"]
        keep["keep only one primer pair"]

    selectedSharePair(["selected shared primer pairs"])
    dump2[/"dump to file"/]
    dump3[/"dump to file"/]

    candidates --> dump2
    candidates --> C
    allSharePair --> E
    keep --> selectedSharePair
    selectedSharePair --> dump3

    %% outgroup removal
    outgroup[/"outgroup genomes"/]

    subgraph F["for each outgroup genome"]
        subgraph F0["for each primer pair"]
            ogsize{"PCR size outside
            disallowed range?"}

    selectedSharePair --> F0
    outgroup --> F

    final(["final set of primer pairs"])
    ogsize --> final

    write[/"write pairs to file"/]

    final --> write