dr-ni / onboard

Onboard is an onscreen keyboard useful for everybody that cannot use a hardware keyboard; for example TabletPC users, mobility impaired users,...
10 stars 1 forks source link

Onboard 1.4.2



Onboard is an onscreen keyboard useful for everybody that cannot use a hardware keyboard; for example Tablet-PC users or mobility impaired users. It has been designed with simplicity in mind and can be used right away without the need of any configuration, as it can read the keyboard layout from the X server. Onboard is currently not working with wayland - a correct X11/Xorg setup is required.

The parent project at https://launchpad.net/onboard sadly seems not to be maintained anymore. Old PPA downloads for Ubuntu-releases can still be found at https://launchpad.net/~onboard/+archive/ubuntu/stable .

Building from Source

Find below short instructions on how to build Onboard straight from this github repository. If you have improvements to share, get errors or run into other problems, please let us know. Build instructions for new distributions are always welcome too.

!!! First uninstall ALL onboard and mousetweaks packages !!!


    # Uninstall
    sudo apt purge onboard onboard-common onboard-data
    sudo apt purge mousetweaks

    # Install dependencies
    sudo apt install git build-essential python3-packaging python3-dev
    sudo apt install dh-python python3-distutils-extra devscripts pkg-config
    sudo apt install libgtk-3-dev libxtst-dev libxkbfile-dev libdconf-dev libcanberra-dev
    sudo apt install libhunspell-dev libudev-dev

    # Build
    git clone https://github.com/dr-ni/onboard
    cd onboard
    python3 setup.py clean
    python3 setup.py build

    # Install
    sudo tools/install_gsettings_schema
    sudo python3 setup.py install

    # Change keyboard language layout
    # setxkbmap -layout de
    # or [us|in|ru|...]

    # Uninstall
    sudo python3 setup.py install --record files.txt
    sudo xargs -a files.txt --delimiter='\n' rm -v
    sudo rm -rf /usr/local/share/onboard
    sudo rm -rf /usr/local/lib/python3.*/dist-packages/onboard-1.4.*.egg-info/
    sudo rm files.txt

Arch Linux:

    # Uninstall
    sudo pacman -S mousetweaks
    sudo pacman -S onboard

    # Install dependencies
    pacman -S base-devel git python-packaging python-distutils-extra dconf gtk3 \
    libcanberra hunspell python-gobject gsettings-desktop-schemas \
    iso-codes python-cairo librsvg python-dbus dbus-glib

    # Build
    git clone https://github.com/dr-ni/onboard
    cd onboard
    python3 setup.py clean
    python3 setup.py build

    # Install
    sudo tools/install_gsettings_schema
    sudo python3 setup.py install

    # Uninstall
    sudo python3 setup.py install --record files.txt
    sudo xargs -a files.txt --delimiter='\n' rm -v
    sudo rm -rf /usr/local/share/onboard
    sudo rm -rf /usr/local/lib/python3.*/dist-packages/onboard-1.4.*.egg-info/
    sudo rm files.txt


    # Install dependencies
    urpmi git gcc-c++ lib64zlib-devel python3-distutils-extra
    urpmi libgtk+3.0-devel libxtst-devel libxkbfile-devel libdconf-devel
    urpmi libhunspell-devel libcanberra-devel libpython3-devel intltool
    # more or less optional, but recommended for full functionality
    urpmi lib64atspi-gir2.0 at-spi2-core-qt python3-dbus qtatspi-plugin

    # Build
    git clone https://github.com/dr-ni/onboard
    cd onboard
    python3 setup.py clean
    python3 setup.py build

    # Install
    sudo tools/install_gsettings_schema
    sudo python3 setup.py install

    # Uninstall
    sudo python3 setup.py install --record files.txt
    sudo xargs -a files.txt --delimiter='\n' rm -v
    sudo rm -rf /usr/local/share/onboard
    sudo rm -rf /usr/local/lib/python3.*/dist-packages/onboard-1.4.*.egg-info/
    sudo rm files.txt


    # Terminal
    man onboard

    # Interactive
    yelp "help:onboard"
    xdg-open "help:onboard"

    # Onboard
    # Right click on icon in systray -> Help

D-Bus interface

The Onboard D-Bus interface allows communication between Onboard and other processes running concurrently on the Linux desktop.

Here the Interface description: DBUS.md


This optional package provides mouse accessibility enhancements for the GNOME desktop. It offers a way to perform clicks without using any physical mouse buttons (Hover Click). The package is also available in various package managers. However, it is often not working anymore with onboard. In this case a manual installation from https://github.com/dr-ni/mousetweaks should help.



Reporting Bugs



This program is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License. Please see the file COPYING for details.