dr-rodriguez / AstrodbWeb

A web application for accessing the BDNYC SQL database
MIT License
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This web application allows you to query the BDNYC database (Filippazzo et al. 2015) from your browser. It uses the astrodbkit python package to perform queries and returns tables in JQuery-DataTable format and figures created with Bokeh. Aladin Lite is used to generate finder charts in the Summary pages.


AstrodbWeb only works with Python 2.7, so you may want to create a specific environment for this app.

This code can be downloaded or forked for use with your own SQL database. You will want to modify the static and template HTML files to use your styling and remove the Google Analytics tracking information from ours. Running a local version of this application is easy, just run:

python runapp.py

and navigate to the indicated URL.

A live version of this app can be found here with a backup available at Heroku.

How to Cite

Please include a citation to the Zenodo record in publications that utilize this application.