draeger-lab / C_striatum_wetlab

This repository contains data generated in the wet lab need for characterization and validation of strain specific GEMs
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This repository contains data generated in the wet lab needed for characterization and validation of strain specific GEMs

Folder structure

About Corynebacterium striatum

<img align="right" src="./supporting_experiments/metadata/Cstr_16_TSB.png" height="200" title="Colony morphology C. striatum" style="display: inline-block; margin: 0 auto; max-width: 300px"/> Corynebacterium striatum, a gram-positive and non-sporulating rod, has recently been discovered for its pathogenic properties. Even though it has been known since the early 20th cen- tury, C.striatum was often disregarded as a pathogen since it is part of the typical human skin microbiota1. Nevertheless, it was found that, especially in immunocompromised patients, C.striatum can be the source for diseases such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, also known as COPD or pneumonia2. Not only is C. striatum active within the respiratory tract, but it was also attributed to long-standing open wound infections3 and prolonged hospitalizations4.

How to cite

Famke Bäuerle, Gwendolyn O. Döbel, Laura Camus, Simon Heilbronner, and Andreas Dräger. Genome-scale metabolic models consistently predict in vitro characteristics of Corynebacterium striatum. Front. Bioinform., oct 2023. doi:10.3389/fbinf.2023.1214074.

Conversion of jupyter notebooks

We can convert jupyter notebooks to other formats. Use this command to convert to a pdf that can be included in the thesis: jupyter nbconvert --to pdf plate_reader_curves.ipynb --output-dir '/Users/baeuerle/Organisation/Masterarbeit/thesis/files/jupyter_nb' --template=classic.tplx