dragos / noboxing-plugin

A Scala compiler plugin that issues warnings when boxing occurs.
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Noboxing Scala Compiler plugin

This compiler plugin issues warnings when the scalac compiler adds a box or unbox operation in a @noboxing annotated definition. It requires scala 2.9.2.


Use "sbt package".


You can instruct scalac to pick up your plugin using -Xplugin:path/to/jar, or you can copy the plugin jar to $SCALA_HOME/misc/scala-devel/plugins.

Alternatively, if you are using SBT, you can drop the jar in your /lib directory, and add the following to your scalac options, like so:

scalacOptions := Seq(..., "-Xplugin:lib/noboxing_2.9.2-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar")

From the project root, type

$ scalac -Xplugin:target/scala-2.9.2/noboxing_2.9.2-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar -Xplugin-list

You should see:

noboxing - checks for boxing operations continuations - applies selective cps conversion


In your source code, import ssol.tools.noboxing.noboxing and annotate a class or definition. For example:

import ssol.tools.noboxing.noboxing

class Test { def hello(x: String) { println("Hello, " + x) }

@noboxing def arith(x: List[Int]) = x(0) + x(1) }

Then run scalac with your plugin

$ scalac -Xplugin:target/scala_2.9.2/noboxing-plugin_2.9.2-0.1.jar -cp \ target/scala_2.9.2/noboxing-plugin_2.9.2-0.1.jar test.scala

Don't forget to add the jar to your compilation classpath as well.


Written originally for Scala 2.8.0 by:

Iulian Dragos (https://github.com/dragos)

updated to Scala 2.9.2 by:

Adam Klein (https://github.com/adamklein)