draperlaboratory / cage-koat

A private fork of the kittel/koat repository
Apache License 2.0
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KITTeL is an automatic termination prover for integer transition systems and imperative programs written in a fragment of Simple. For programs written in other languages (e.g., C), consider using the frontend llvm2KITTeL.

KoAT is an automatic complexity analyzer taking the same kinds of inputs.


Stephan Falke, Marc Brockschmidt


Stephan Falke, Deepak Kapur, Carsten Sinz: Termination Analysis of C Programs Using Compiler Intermediate Languages. RTA 2011: 41-50

Stephan Falke, Deepak Kapur, Carsten Sinz: Termination Analysis of Imperative Programs Using Bitvector Arithmetic. VSTTE 2012: 261-277

Marc Brockschmidt, Fabian Emmes, Stephan Falke, Carsten Fuhs, Jürgen Giesl: Alternating Runtime and Size Complexity Analysis of Integer Programs. TACAS 2014: 140-155


dep is a tool for visualizing dependencies between rules and arguments of an integer transition system. dep shows how arguments influence eachother in an ITS by drawing an edge between two function arguments whenever:

Additionally, arguments which are passed without change have a blue edge between them, arguments which may change during the rewrite are drawn in green. This hopefully allows the user to see which function positions are involved in the termination / complexity results returned by KoAT.


make dep


./dep.native <filename>.koat produces <filename>.dot and <filename>-sliced.dot where the "-sliced" modifier represents a version of the program that has had argument slicing applied before the visualization process. Many of the ITSs that KoAT is capable of solving are too large to easily visualize and understand. Argument slicing reduces the size of the resulting graph in many cases, and provides an easier to understand graph.


drawRules simply draws the connectivity of rewrite rules provided in an input file in the format which KoAT accepts. If there is a rule of the form f -> g, then there is an edge between f and g in the graph. No special attention is paid to whether or not that particular transition is feasible.


make drawRules


./drawRules.native <filename>.koat produces <filename>.dot. From here, apply dot on the output file to produce a renderable version of the graph in the format of your choice.


compare is part of the testing suite for KoAT. Given two files that are the result of running KoAT on an ITS, we can determine what the relative complexities of the two systems are. The primary purpose of this is in regression testing; between two versions of KoAT, we should expect results to improve across all instances.

Complexity result A is considered to be better than B if:

compare exits with 0 if A is at least as good as B, and 1 otherwise.


make compare


./compare.native <a> <b>