drawpitech / arcade

b4 - A Retro Platform
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[!NOTE] This is a 2nd year project at Epitech.


Arcade is a gaming platform: a program that lets the user choose a game to play and keeps a register of player scores.

To be able to deal with the elements of your gaming plateform at run-time, the graphics libraries and your games must be implemented as dynamic libraries, loaded at run-time.

Each GUI available for the program must be used as a shared library that will be loaded and used dynamically by the main program.


On *nix systems, you can compile the project using the following commands: (the list of dependencies is abstract, so good luck figuring out)

cmake -S . -B build
cmake --build build
./arcade lib/arcade_ncurses.so

All shared objects are built in lib/

Or if you have nix, just use nix build.

Interface Sharing

We needed to share our graphical and game library interfaces with at least one other project group. After turn-in, it will therefore be possible to run your games using their launcher and graphical libraries, and vice-versa.

We shared the ASS (Arcade Standard Specification) library.

Our team: