drderkummer / Software-Engineering-Project

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Software Engineering Project 2013

Group-Meetings & Lectures

Date Time Room(s) Topic
21/3 10:00-?? Glass Box outside HA1 Choosing 3 app ideas, deciding groupname, email to superviser, ...
22/3 13:15-16:00 HC3 Laboration: Git
8/4 13:15-15:00 HA4 Lecture: Project Management/Scrum
10/4 13:55-14:05 Grupprum10 (Idéläran) Supervisor meeting: planning of project start afterwards?
15/4 12:30-13:15 Glass Box outside HA1 Team Meeting
15/4 13:15-15:00 HA4 Lecture: eXtreme Programming
19/4 13:15-15:15 Linnsen Team Meeting with Tutor
22/4 13:15-15:00 HA4 Lecture: ...
22/4 15:00-16:10 Glass Box outside HA1 Scrum-Meeting, Team-Meeting: Discussion, define Sprint #2
25/4 13:15-15:15 Linnsen Team Meeting with Tutor
29/4 13:15-15:00 HA4 Lecture: ...
6/5 13:15-15:00 HA4 Lecture: ...
13/5 13:15-15:00 HA4 Lecture: ...
20/5 13:15-15:00 HA4 Lecture: ...
27/5 13:15-17:00 EC project handoff
28/5 13:15-17:00 EC project handoff
29/5 13:15-17:00 EC project handoff

Chalmers On The Go

Link to pivotal tracker for this project https://www.pivotaltracker.com/projects/798915