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Real-time IoT Benchmark Suite
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RIoTBench: A Real-time IoT Benchmark for Distributed Stream Processing Platforms

Anshu Shukla, Shilpa Chaturvedi and Yogesh Simmhan, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Volume 29, Issue 21, 2017

Online: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/cpe.4257/abstract

Pre-print: https://arxiv.org/abs/1701.08530

IoT Micro-benchmarks

Annotate ANN Parse Transform 1:1 No
CsvToSenML C2S Parse Transform 1:1 No
SenML Parsing SML Parse Transform 1:1 No
XML Parsing XML Parse Transform 1:1 No
Bloom Filter BLF Filter Filter 1:0/1 No
Range Filter RGF Filter Filter 1:0/1 No
Accumlator ACC Statistical Aggregate N:1 Yes
Average AVG Statistical Aggregate N:1 Yes
Distinct Appox. Count DAC Statistical Transform 1:1 Yes
Kalman Filter KAL Statistical Transform 1:1 Yes
Second Order Moment SOM Statistical Transform 1:1 Yes
Decision Tree Classify DTC Predictive Transform 1:1 No
Decision Tree Train DTT Predictive Aggregate N:1 No
Interpolation INP Predictive Transform 1:1 Yes
Multi-var. Linear Reg. MLR Predictive Transform 1:1 No
Multi-var. Linear Reg. Train MLT Predictive Aggregate N:1 No
Sliding Linear Regression SLR Predictive Flat Map N:M Yes
Azure Blob D/L ABD IO Source/Transform 1:1 No
Azure Blob U/L ABU IO Sink 1:1 No
Azure Table Lookup ATL IO Source/Transform 1:1 No
Azure Table Range ATR IO Source/Transform 1:1 No
Azure Table Insert ATI IO Transform 1:1 No
MQTT Publish MQP IO Sink 1:1 No
MQTT Subscribe MQS IO Sink 1:1 No
Local Files Zip LZP IO Sink 1:1 No
Remote Files Zip RZP IO Sink 1:1 No
MultiLine Plot PLT Visualization Transform 1:1 No

Application benchmarks

App. Name Code
Extraction, Transform and Load dataflow ETL
Statistical Summarization dataflow STATS
Model Training dataflow TRAIN
Predictive Analytics dataflow PRED

Extraction, Transform and Load dataflow (ETL)


Statistical Summarization dataflow (STATS)


Predictive Analytics dataflow (PRED)


Model Training dataflow (TRAIN)


Please refer the paper for detailed info - https://arxiv.org/abs/1701.08530

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