dream-num / univer

Univer is an open-source alternative to Google Sheets, Slides, and Docs
Apache License 2.0
5.68k stars 469 forks source link
appscript collaboration data-table doc document excel grid live-share office powerpoint ppt productivity slide spreadsheet word xlsx
Univer The Ultimate Office Suite of the Next Generation.
Extensible. High-performance. Embedded to your application. **English** | [简体中文][readme-zh-link] | [日本語][readme-ja-link]
[Official Site][official-site-link] | [Documentation][documentation-link] | [Online Playground][playground-link] | [Blog][blog-link] [![][github-license-shield]][github-license-link] [![][github-actions-shield]][github-actions-link] [![][github-stars-shield]][github-stars-link] [![][github-contributors-shield]][github-contributors-link]
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Table of contents - [🌈 Highlights](#-highlights) - [✨ Features](#-features) - [📊 Univer Sheet](#-univer-sheet) - [📝 Univer Doc](#-univer-doc-under-development) - [📽️ Univer Slide](#%EF%B8%8F-univer-slide-under-development) - [👾 Showcase](#-showcase) - [💬 Community](#-community) - [🤝 Contribution](#-contribution) - [❤️ Sponsor](#%EF%B8%8F-sponsors) - [📄 License](#-license)

🌈 Highlights

✨ Features

Univer provides a wide range of features for spreadsheets, documents and presentations. Here are some of the key features:

📊 Univer Sheet

📝 Univer Doc (Under Development)

📽️ Univer Slide (Under Development)

👾 Showcase

You can find all the examples in the Univer Examples.

📊 Spreadsheets 📊 Multi-instance 📊 Uniscript
📊 Big data 📊 Collaboration 📊 Collaboration Playground
📊 Import & Export 📊 Printing 📝 Documents
📝 Multi-instance 📝 Uniscript 📝 Big data
📝 Collaboration 📝 Collaboration Playground 📽️ Presentations
📊 Zen Editor Univer Workspace (SaaS version)  

💬 Community

Univer is an inclusive and welcoming project. Please read our Code of Conduct before participating in the community.

Join the Univer community:

You can also find Univer on:

Twitter | YouTube

🤝 Contribution

We appreciate any kinds of contributing. You can submit issues or feature requests to us. Please read our contributing guide first.

If you would like to contribute code to Univer, please refer to the contributing guide as well. It would guide you through the process of setting up the development environment and submitting a pull request.

❤️ Sponsors

The growth and development of the Univer project rely on the support of its backers and sponsors. If you are interested in supporting our project, we kindly invite you to consider becoming a sponsor. You can sponsor us through Open Collective.

Thanks to our sponsors, just part of them are listed here because of the space limit, ranking is no particular order:

📄 License

Copyright © 2021-2024 DreamNum Co,Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Licensed under the Apache-2.0 license.

[^1]: These features are provided by the non-OSS version of Univer, which is free for commercial use and also includes paid upgrade plans. [^2]: VChart is a third-party library that provides chart support for Univer. You can find more information here: univer-vchart-plugin.