Newer hardware is often inferior! With bad low quality component(s) such as:
Which can then result in bad performance / bad temperature regulation.
Usually the MCU will be read-protected, so you won't be able to read its contents, only erase it.
The simplest way to not loose the originl FW is actually to buy a new MCU, then remove the original MCU with hot air, or chipquik, or bizmuth low temperature solder, and store it in a safe place in case you want to revert back.
Keep in mind that there are many versions of the hardware PCB, KSGER and friends keeps changing them all the time, so it might not work even in the MCU is the same.
Any difference in the pinout will require firmware tuning! Although that is one of the proposits of this fork, to ease that part.
Create a new, empty project in STM32CUBE IDE, selecting your MCU. Name it "T12" for easiness.
If your MCU is not in the included templates list (see below), follow Creating a .ioc file from scratch and then continue Configuring setup.h
When CUBEMX configurator opens, just close it.
Delete the T12.ioc file, checkout or download the code in a zip.
Go to the project folder, and paste Core and Drivers folders, overwriting all files. There are two .ioc (CUBEMX templates) included by default:
- T12-STM32F072.ioc : For Quicko T12 with STM32F072
- T12-STM32F103.ioc : For the STM32F103, as the original FW.
If you are OK with any of these, copy any to the root of the project and rename it to "T12.ioc" Open it, make any small change, ex. take an unused pin and set is as GPIO_Input, then revert it to reset state. This will trigger the code generation. Close saving changes and the code will be generated.
Add the new folders to the include search path! Right click on project -> Properties -> C/C++ Build -> Settings -> Tool Settings -> MCU GCC Compiler -> Include paths
On the upper menu, Configuration, Select [All configurations]
Click on Add... Select Workspace and select these folder while holding Control key:
Open setup.h and define your board. There are 3 included, uncomment the correct one:
//#define T12_STM072
//#define T12_STM103
If your board use the same MCU but different pinout, you will need to adjust the .ioc and the setup.h config! As long as you use the same PIN labels, you will only need to touch setup.h.
Click in the right arrow of the build button (Hammer icon), select Release, then click on the build button and should build right away.
Videos of the complete build steps here:
Keep in mind that the flash is almost full, so it will not build in debug mode unless you change Build optimizations to -Os(Optimize for size)
If you make a new .ioc file, ex. for a different MCU, follow this guide:
- Wake signal from handle: GPIO EXTI*, User label: WAKE, No pull
GPIO config: Rising/falling edge interrupt mode.
Ensure that NVIC interrupt is enabled for it!
- Buzzer signal: GPIO Output, User label: BUZZER, No pull
- Rotatory encoder right signal: GPIO EXTI*, name: ROT_ENC_R
- Rotatory encoder left signal: GPIO EXTI*, name: ROT_ENC_L
- Rotatory encoder button signal: GPIO EXTI*,name: ROT_ENC_BUTTON
- GPIO config: All EXTI inputs set in rising/falling edge interrupt mode, all no pull
- Ensure that NVIC interrupts are enabled for them!
- Oled CS signal: GPIO Output, name: OLED_CS
- Oled DC signal: GPIO Output, name: OLED_DC
- Oled RESET signal: GPIO Output, name: OLED_RST
- GPIO Settings:
* Oled SPI CLOCK signal: SPI*_SCK
User Label: SCK
No pull
Speed: High
* Oled SPI DATA signal: SPI*_MOSI
User Label: SDO
No pull
Speed: High
- Parameter settings:
* Mode: Half-Duplex master
* NSS: Disabled
* Data size: 8
* MSB First
* Prescaler: Adjust for max speed, usually the limit is 18Mbit.
* Clock Polarity: Low
* Clock Phase: 1 Edge
* CRC Calculation: Disabled
* NSSP Mode: Disabled
* NSSP SIgnal Type: Software
- DMA Settings:
* SPIx_Tx
* Direction: Memory to pheripheral
* Piority: Low
* DMA request mode: Normal
* Data width: Byte in both
- NVIC Settings:
* DMAx channel interrupt enabled.
* SPIx global interrupt disabled
- GPIO config:
* NTC pin label: NTC
* V Supply pin label: V_INPUT
* VRef pin label: VREF
* Iron Temp pin label: IRON_TEMP
- Parameter settings:
* Select channels assigned to the used inputs
* Clock prescaler: Asynchronous clock mode
* Resolution: 12 bit resolution
* Data Alignment: Right alignment
* Scan Conversion Mode: Forward
* Continuous Conversion: Enabled
* DMA Continuous Requests: Enabled
* End Of Conversion Selection: End of Single Conversion
* Overrun behavior: Overrun data preserved
* Low Power Auto Wait: Disabled
* Low Power Auto Power Off: Disabled
* Sampling time: 13.5 cycles
* External Trigger Conversion Source: Regular Conversion Launched by software
* External trigger Conversion Edge: None
* Watchdog disabled
* IF ADJUSTABLE regular channels:
Set channels 1 to 4 to the inputs, all 13.5 cycles.
* IMPORTANT: Configure in setup.h the order of the channels and set their labels accordingly!
The ADC channel order goes from 0 to 15 (unless otherwise set in regular config), skipping the disabled channels.
* #define ADC_CH1 VREF // ADC 1st used channel, ex. ch0
#define ADC_CH2 NTC // ADC 2nd used channel, ex. ch2
#define ADC_CH3 V_INPUT // ADC 3rd used channel, ex. ch3
#define ADC_CH4 IRON_TEMP // ADC 4th used channel, ex. ch7
- DMA settings:
* Pheripheral to memory
* Mode: Circular
* Data width: Half word on both.
- NVIC Settings:
* DMAx channel interrupt enabled.
* ADC and COMP*** interrupts disabled
- Base timer: Usually Timer 3, you might take any.
* Internal clock
* Internal clock division: No division
* Auto-reload preload: Disable
* Master/Slave mode: Disable
* Trigger event selection: Reset (UG bit from TIMx_EGR)
* Set Prescaler and Counter period for 1mS period.
Ex @ 48MHz Ftimer: Prescaler: 8000, Period 6.
8000*6 = 48,000. 48Mhz/48K=1000Hz, 1mS period
* NVIC settings: Enable TIMx Global interrupt.
Consider that some timers will run at CPU speed, while other may take a slower clock.
Check the Clock config in CUBEMX!
* User label: PWM_OUTPUT
* Mode: TIMxCHx(N) ("x" and "N" depends on the selected pin)
- TIMER: Select timer assigned to the pin.
- Check Activated
- Select channel assigned to the pin
- Mode: PWM Generation. Select CHx(N), as assigned to PIN. Ensure to select "N" if the pin has it!
- Counter period: 2000
- Prescaler: Adjust is accordingly to the wanted PWM frequency: Fpwm = FTimer/(2000*prescaler)
Ex: 48MHZ/(2000x480) = 50Hz (There's no need of high PWM frequency in this application)
Consider that some timers will run at CPU speed while other may take a slower clock.
Check the Clock config in CUBEMX!
Original version by PTDreamer
Updated branch - for v2.1s, from newer fork: LuckyTomas
, flawless_testing` branch
Merged to master, with Docs, and minor update by Dreamcat4
Compatibility for STM32F072 added by DavidAlfa
Adapted and refined with many improvements by DavidAlfa
Initial Changelog file of DavidAlfa, available here as
Fixed a lot of bugs, lots of small improvements, specially the SPI DMA transfer
Much easier to port between devices
Commentary of changes in the forum thread - Posts starting here
Well which Docs are you looking for?