dreamingechoes / bootstrap_sb_admin_base_v2

Rails gem of the Bootstrap based admin theme SB Admin 2.
MIT License
63 stars 23 forks source link
bootstrap bootstrap-admin-theme bootstrap-sb-admin rails rails-gem sb-admin-2

Gem Version


bootstrap_sb_admin_base_v2 is a (work in progress) Rails gem of the Bootstrap based admin theme SB Admin 2. Originally created by Start Bootstrap, all the credits of the development of the Bootstrap admin theme are of them. This is just and adaptation into Rails gem in order to make it easier to integrate all the assets (fonts, images, css and js) into a Rails application.

You can check the original Bootstrap admin theme repository here.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'bootstrap_sb_admin_base_v2'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install bootstrap_sb_admin_base_v2


Version 0.2.x and below

After install the gem, the only thing you should do in your Rails application is add some lines into your manifests files. Add this into your application.js file:

  //= require bootstrap_sb_admin_base_v2

and this line into you application.css file:

  *= require bootstrap_sb_admin_base_v2

Version 0.3.x and above

On version 0.3.x or above has been added two dependencies: jquery-rails and font-awesome-rails in order to keep updated the versions of jQuery and font-awesome, so be sure to require jquery-rails on your application.js before require the bootstrap_sb_admin_base_v2 file like so:

  //= require jquery
  //= require jquery_ujs
  //= require bootstrap_sb_admin_base_v2

and on the application.css file, be sure to require the font-awesome-rails file:

  *= require font-awesome
  *= require bootstrap_sb_admin_base_v2

RTL Version

If you need the RTL version of the template, add this line into you application.css instead of the previous one:

  *= require bootstrap_sb_admin_base_v2_rtl

You can check the RTL version I've used to add this adaptation here.

And you're ready to use the HTML structure of the Bootstrap based admin theme SB Admin 2 on your Rails application. All the details and documentation about this are here.

If you need an example to see how to integrate the gem into your Rails project, I've developed a simple Rails application in order to test the gem, you can check this app here: https://sensor-admin-panel-testing.herokuapp.com (test email: example@email.com, password: 123456example), and here you have the Github repo to be able to check the code: https://github.com/dreamingechoes/sensors_admin_panel.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/dreamingechoes/bootstrap_sb_admin_base_v2. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.