dregenor / jsonMapper

simple json mapper
MIT License
31 stars 8 forks source link


Just a simple json mapper.

How to use

Very simple case:

var input = {
    user: {
        name: 'John',
        nick: 'C00lHacker'

var JM = require('json-mapper');

var converter = JM.makeConverter({
    name: function(input){
            if (!input.user){
            } else {
                return input.user.name;

var result = converter(input);

console.log(result); // should be {name: 'John'}

Let's add a bit sugar by using factory method getVal

var converter = JM.makeConverter({
    name: JV.getVal('user.name');

The syntax 'user.name' equals JM.getVal('user.name')

var converter = JM.makeConverter({
    name: 'user.name';

If you want to chain callbacks use ch factory

var input = {
  user: {
      name: 'Alex',
      nickname: 'FOfan'
  locations: [
      {x:1, y:21}, // i need this x
      {x:2, y:22},
      {x:3, y:23},
      {x:4, y:24},
      {x:5, y:25},
      {x:6, y:26},
      {x:7, y:27},
      {x:8, y:28},
      {x:9, y:29},
      {x:10, y:30},
      {x:11, y:31},
      {x:12, y:32}
  uuid: 'ffffffff-aaaaaaaa-c0c0afafc1c1fefe0-cfcf1234'

var JM = require('json-mapper');
var converter = JM.makeConverter({
    val: JM.ch(
                function(input){ return input.locations; },
                function(input){ return input[0]; },
                function(input){ return input.x; }

var result = converter(input); // should be {val: 1}

This stuff can be simplified by using array, e.g.:

var input = {
  user: {
      name: 'Alex',
      nickname: 'FOfan'
  locations: [
      {x:1, y:21}, // i need this x
      {x:2, y:22},
      {x:3, y:23},
      {x:4, y:24},
      {x:5, y:25},
      {x:6, y:26},
      {x:7, y:27},
      {x:8, y:28},
      {x:9, y:29},
      {x:10, y:30},
      {x:11, y:31},
      {x:12, y:32}
  uuid: 'ffffffff-aaaaaaaa-c0c0afafc1c1fefe0-cfcf1234'

var JM = require('json-mapper');

var converter = JM.makeConverter({
    val: [
        function(input){ return input.locations; },
        function(input){ return input[0]; },
        function(input){ return input.x; }

var result = converter(input); // should be {val: 1}

JM.ch function also can convert 'some.path' to JM.getVal('some.path').
There is a map factory for arrays processing.

var input = {
    user: {
        name: 'Alex',
        nickname: 'FOfan'
    locations: [
        {x:1, y:21}, // i need this x
        {x:2, y:22},
        {x:3, y:23},
        {x:4, y:24},
        {x:5, y:25},
        {x:6, y:26},
        {x:7, y:27},
        {x:8, y:28},
        {x:9, y:29},
        {x:10, y:30},
        {x:11, y:31},
        {x:12, y:32}
    uuid: 'ffffffff-aaaaaaaa-c0c0afafc1c1fefe0-cfcf1234'

var JM = require('json-mapper');

var converter = JM.makeConverter({
    val: JM.ch('locations', JM.map(function(input){ return input.x; }))

var result = converter(input); // should be {val: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12]}


var converter = JM.makeConverter({
    val: ['locations', JM.map('x')]

Use JM.makeCb(val) to convert path to getVal

Returning map:

input return
function function
string getVal(val)
array ch.apply(null,val)
hash schema(val)

New feature is '$root' alias

var JM = require('json-mapper');

var input = {
    uuid: '1233123123',
    user: {
        name: 'sergey'
    objects: [

var converter = JM.makeConverter({
    originalObject: '$root',
    uuid: 'uuid',
    link: [
        JM.helpers.templateStrong('<a href="https://github.com/dregenor/jsonMapper/blob/master/{$root}">user</a>')
    objects: ['objects', JM.map(JM.helpers.templateStrong('{$root}'))]

console.log('\n\n\n\ convert with template & root', converter(input));


    originalObject: {
        uuid: '1233123123',
        user: {name: 'sergey'},
        objects: [
    uuid: '1233123123',
    link: '<a href="">user</a>',
    objects: [

Shut up and show me a SIMPLE convertion

var input = {
  user: {
      name: 'Alex',
      nickname: 'FOfan'
  locations: [
      {x:1, y:21}, // i need this x
      {x:2, y:22},
      {x:3, y:23},
      {x:4, y:24},
      {x:5, y:25},
      {x:6, y:26},
      {x:7, y:27},
      {x:8, y:28},
      {x:9, y:29},
      {x:10, y:30},
      {x:11, y:31},
      {x:12, y:32}
  uuid: 'ffffffff-aaaaaaaa-c0c0afafc1c1fefe0-cfcf1234'

var JM = require('json-mapper');
var converter = JM.makeConverter({
    all_x: ['locations', JM.map('x')],
    all_y: ['locations', JM.map('y')],
    x_sum_y: ['locations', JM.map(function(input){
        return input.x + input.y;
    locations_count: ['locations', function(arr){
        return arr.length;
    locations_count_hack: 'locations.length',
    just_mappet_name: 'user.name',
    another_object: {
        nickname: 'user.nickname',
        location_0_x: 'locations.0.x'

var result = converter(input);



  "all_x":   [ 1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9,  10, 11, 12 ],
  "all_y":   [ 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 ],
  "x_sum_y": [ 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 ],
  "locations_count": 12,
  "locations_count_hack": 12,
  "just_mappet_name": "Alex",
  "another_object": {
    "nickname": "FOfan",
    "location_0_x": 1


template and templateStrong

Just an example:

var JM = require('json-mapper');

var input = {
    uuid: '1233123123',
    user: {
        name: 'sergey'
    objects: [
        {id: 1001, name: 'atoken'},
        {id: 1002, name: 'btoken'},
        {id: 1003, name: 'ctoken'},
        {id: 1004, name: 'dtoken'},
        {id: 1005, name: 'etoken'},
        {id: 1006, name: 'Fplane'},
        {id: 1007, name: 'Splane'},
        {id: 1008, name: 'nodejs'},
        {id: 1009, name: 'memcache'},
        {id: 1010, name: 'sql'},
        {id: 1011, name: 'tpl'},
        {id: 1012, name: 'ej'}

var converter = JM.makeConverter({
    uuid:           'uuid',
    hrefStrong:     JM.helpers.templateStrong('{user.name}'),
    href:           JM.helpers.template('{user.name}'),
    hrefStrongFail: JM.helpers.templateStrong('{user.undefinedKey}'),
    hreffail:       JM.helpers.template('{user.undefinedKey}'),
    objects: ['objects', JM.map({
        href: JM.helpers.templateStrong('{id}')

console.log('\n\n\n convert with template \n\n', converter(input));


    uuid:        '1233123123',
    hrefStrong:  '',
    href:        '',
    hreffail:    '',
    objects: [
        { href: '' },
        { href: '' },
        { href: '' },
        { href: '' },
        { href: '' },
        { href: '' },
        { href: '' },
        { href: '' },
        { href: '' },
        { href: '' },
        { href: '' },
        { href: '' }

templateStrong will return undefined if there is undefined keys


var JM = require('json-mapper');

var converter = JM.makeConverter({
    uuid: JM.helpers.def('14')

console.log('\n\n\n convert with default \n\n', converter({}));


    uuid: '14'

JM.helpers.def(val) - always returns val


var JM = require('json-mapper');

var converter = JM.makeConverter({
    uuid:  [ 'uuid' , JM.helpers.def('14') ],
    uuid2: [ 'uuid2', JM.helpers.valOrDef('15') ]

console.log('\n\n\n convert with default \n\n', converter({
    'uuid': '15',
    'uuid2': '17'


    uuid: '14',
    uuid2: '17'

If input is null or undefined JM.helpers.valOrDef(val) will return val, otherwise input will be returned.


var JM = require('json-mapper');

var converter = JM.makeConverter({
    type: [
        'type' ,
            1: 'fit',
            2: 'crop',
            3: 'fit'

console.log('\n\n\n convert with default \n\n', converter({
    'type': 1


    type: 'fit'

toBoolean, toNumber, toString, toUndefined, filterUndefined

var JM = require('json-mapper');
var h = JM.helpers;

var converter = JM.makeConverter({
    isGuest: ['role', h.toBoolean],
    isUser: ['user', h.toBoolean],
    role: ['role', h.toString],
    userId: ['userId', h.toNumber],
    catalogId: ['catalogId', h.toNumber],
    catalogId2: ['catalogId', h.toNumber, h.toUndefined],
    catalogId3: ['catalogId', h.filterUndefined(function(input){
        // input always not undefined
        return input + '1';
    catalogId4: ['UndefinedCatalogId', h.filterUndefined(function(input){
        // input always not undefined
        return input + '1';

console.log('\n\n\n convert to boolean and to number \n\n', converter({
    "role": 2,
    "userId": '13',
    "catalogId": 'somethingLiteral'

Result is:

    isGuest: true,
    role: '2',
    userId: 13,
    catalogId: NaN,
    catalogId3: 'somethingLiteral1'

Dict creates a dictionary and returns value by key.

to run unit test run

   npm test



sorry i've skipped several versions





in feature