dresden-elektronik / basic-aps-plugin

deCONZ C++ API example plugin showing how to use the ZigBee APS layer.
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signal / slot connecting error during runtime #2

Open basti0001 opened 6 years ago

basti0001 commented 6 years ago

Hi Dresden dev, 1rst of all: thx for the nice tool & job on the resbee! I started with debian stretch and the deCONZ application this xmas. working so far with a OSRAM lightify for debugging and 1rst approaches.


  1. qt version from apt sources 5.7.1 (arm since I use a pi), *.deb packages for deCONZ installed.
  2. deCONZ is running (headless mode), light can be changed with web interface
  3. created a dev project based on the basic-aps-plugin (mostly copy paste from the example in github)
  4. .pro file:

q_Widget.pro: QT += core gui

LIBS+= -L../.. -ldeCONZ -lcrypt

unix:!macx: LIBS += -ldeCONZ -lcrypt greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4): QT += widgets


SOURCES += main.cpp\ mainwindow.cpp \ MyNode.cpp

HEADERS += mainwindow.h \ MyNode.h

FORMS += mainwindow.ui

QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -Wno-attributes

INCLUDEPATH += /usr/include/deconz /usr/include

.pro file finished

here the src code for the main.cpp: int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication a(argc, argv); printf("HelloWorld\n"); BasicApsPlugin MyApsPlugin; return 0; }

issue: output shows: ./q_Widget libEGL warning: DRI3: Screen seems not DRI3 capable libEGL warning: DRI2: failed to authenticate HelloWorld QObject::connect: Cannot connect (null)::apsdeDataConfirm(const deCONZ::ApsDataConfirm&) to BasicApsPlugin::apsdeDataConfirm(const deCONZ::ApsDataConfirm&) QObject::connect: Cannot connect (null)::apsdeDataIndication(const deCONZ::ApsDataIndication&) to BasicApsPlugin::apsdeDataIndication(const deCONZ::ApsDataIndication&)

Means: program compiles and runs, but during run time there is an issue where we can't connect to the lib --> exit. What am I missing? Default location of ldeCONZ is at /usr/libs and linked dynamically as system lib. Do I need to link statically? Do I need to run deCONZ as gui application in order to gain access to functionality? Maybe I got it all wrong. According to the doc I expected the API to gain access to the already running deCONZ application. Is this correct? Means there are already instances e.g. m_apsCtrl = deCONZ::ApsController::instance();

If not correct, this would mean one has to program parts of the deCONZ application on it's own. I expected the API only to gain access to (ideal case) the found objects in the MeshGrid --> I can take care of application where I focus on the intelligence of the automated home, not on the deeper detail of the ZigBee standard.

Thx for your time and answer


manup commented 6 years ago

Hi, thanks for looking into this. This plugin hasn't been updated in while I'll have a look to fix the build and readme.md when I'm back from travel end of January.

Meanwhile if you wanna try the plugin should build similar as the REST API plugin .pro file, maybe you can compare these two for linker differences.

basti0001 commented 6 years ago

Hi Manuel, enjoy traveling ;-)

I had a look and checked out the git repro for the deconz-rest-plugin. The Version of qt is in both cases the same (5.7.1 from the debian stretch repro). Compiling of this repro fails however: In member function ‘bool DeRestPluginPrivate::allowedToCreateApikey(const ApiRequest&, ApiResponse&, QVariantMap&)’: 'ParamSecurityMaterial0’ is not a member of ‘deCONZ’ QByteArray sec0 = apsCtrl->getParameter(deCONZ::ParamSecurityMaterial0);

I had a look into types.h and truly this struct element does not exist. So compiler is complaining for a reason. This means I can't investigate further from the "trunk". I will have a look, maybe I can switch from tunk to the labled version.



basti0001 commented 6 years ago

Hi again, switching to the release with

git checkout tags/V2_04_99

leads to same compiling error: 'ParamSecurityMaterial0’ is not a member of ‘deCONZ’ QByteArray sec0 = apsCtrl->getParameter(deCONZ::ParamSecurityMaterial0);

Conclusion: master and tag/V2_04_99 (REST plugin) seem to have compiling issues with the default .pro files shipped. But this is a issue for the other repro. Shall I create another issue for the rest-plugin repro?

