dresden-elektronik / basic-aps-plugin

deCONZ C++ API example plugin showing how to use the ZigBee APS layer.
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The deCONZ Basic APS Plugin demonstrates how to use the deCONZ C++ API to send and receive ZigBee APS frames.

The plugin runs a simple state machine which continuously searches the network for ZigBee Light Link devices (profile-id 0xC05E) wich provide a on/off cluster (cluster-id 0x0006). This is done by broadcasting a ZigBee ZDP match descriptor request.

If any responses are received they will be printed in the console.


Supported platforms

Raspbian Wheezy and Qt4 is no longer maintained.

Install deCONZ

Important If you're updateing from a previous version always make sure to create an backup in the Phoscon App and read the changelog first.

  1. Download deCONZ package

    wget http://www.dresden-elektronik.de/rpi/deconz/beta/deconz-latest-beta.deb
  2. Install deCONZ package

    sudo dpkg -i deconz-latest-beta.deb

Important this step might print some errors that's ok and will be fixed in the next step.

  1. Install missing dependencies

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install -f
Install deCONZ development package
  1. Download deCONZ development package

    wget http://www.dresden-elektronik.de/rpi/deconz-dev/deconz-dev-latest.deb
  2. Install deCONZ development package

    sudo dpkg -i deconz-dev-latest.deb
  3. Install missing dependencies

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install -f
Get and compile the plugin
  1. Checkout the repository

    git clone https://github.com/dresden-elektronik/basic-aps-plugin.git
  2. Compile the plugin

    cd basic-aps-plugin
    qmake && make -j2

Note On Raspberry Pi 1 use qmake && make

  1. Replace original plugin

    sudo cp ../libbasic_aps_plugin.so /usr/share/deCONZ/plugins


Start deCONZ from commandline with enabled debug output.

deCONZ --dbg-info=1

Console Output

send match descriptor request (id: 181)
received match descriptor response (id: 181) from 0x00212effff0059c5
         match descriptor endpoint: 0x0A

Headless support

The beta version contains a systemd script, which allows deCONZ to run without a X11 server.

Note The service does not yet support deCONZ updates via WebApp, therefore these must be installed manually. A further systemd script will handle updates in future versions.

  1. Enable the service at boot time
$ sudo systemctl enable deconz
  1. Disable deCONZ GUI Autostart

The dresden elektronik Raspbian sd-card image autostarts deCONZ GUI.

$ sudo systemctl disable deconz-gui
$ sudo systemctl stop deconz-gui

On older versions of deCONZ this can be done by removing the X11 Autostart file.

$ rm -f /home/pi/.config/autostart/deCONZ.desktop

Software requirements

Important The serial port must be configured as follows to allow communication with the RaspBee.

$ sudo raspi-config

() Interfacting Options > Serial

    * Would you like a login shell accessible over serial?
      > No
    * Would you like the serial port hardware to be enabled?
      > Yes

After changing the settings reboot the Raspberry Pi.

Hardware requirements

3rd party libraries

The following libraries are used by the plugin:


The plugin is available as open source and licensed under the BSD (3-Clause) license.