drevops / behat-steps

🧪 A collection of Behat step definitions for Drupal
GNU General Public License v3.0
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A collection of Behat steps for Drupal

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composer require --dev drevops/behat-steps:^2


Add required traits to your FeatureContext.php (example):


use Drupal\DrupalExtension\Context\DrupalContext;
use DrevOps\BehatSteps\ContentTrait;

 * Defines application features from the specific context.
class FeatureContext extends DrupalContext {

  use ContentTrait;


Modification of behat.yml configuration is not required.


Available steps

Step Name Description
ContentTrait (example)
Given no :type content type Delete the content type.
When I visit :type :title Navigate to a page with a specified type and title.
When I edit :type :title Navigate to the edit page with a specified type and title.
When I delete :type :title Navigate to the delete page with a specified type and title.
Given no ([a-zA-z0-9_-]+) content:$/ Remove content defined by provided properties.
When the moderation state of :type :title changes from :old_state to :new_state Change the moderation state of content with the specified title.
When I visit :type :title scheduled transitions Visit the scheduled transition page for a node with the specified title.
CookieTrait (example)
Then a cookie with( the) name :name should exist Check if a cookie with the specified name exists.
Then a cookie with( the) name :name and value :value should exist Check if a cookie with the specified name and value exists.
Then a cookie with( the) name :name and value containing :partial_value should exist Check if a cookie with the specified name and a partial value exists.
Then a cookie with( the) name containing :partial_name should exist Check if a cookie with a partial name exists.
Then a cookie with( the) name containing :partial_name and value :value should exist Check if a cookie with a partial name and value exists.
Then a cookie with( the) name containing :partial_name and value containing :partial_value should exist Check if a cookie with a partial name and partial value exists.
Then a cookie with( the) name :name should not exist Check if a cookie with the specified name does not exist.
Then a cookie with( the) name :name and value :value should not exist Check if a cookie with the specified name and value does not exist.
Then a cookie with( the) name :name and value containing :partial_value should not exist Check if a cookie with the specified name and a partial value does not exist.
Then a cookie with( the) name containing :partial_name should not exist Check if a cookie with a partial name does not exist.
Then a cookie with( the) name containing :partial_name and value :value should not exist Check if a cookie with a partial name and value does not exist.
Then a cookie with( the) name containing :partial_name and value containing :partial_value should not exist Check if a cookie with a partial name and partial value does not exist.
DraggableViewsTrait (example)
Then I save draggable views :view_id view :views_display_id display :bundle items in the following order: Save the order of the draggable items.
EckTrait (example)
Given :bundle :entity_type entities: Create ECK entities.
Given no :bundle :entity_type entities: Remove custom entities by field.
When I edit :bundle :entity_type with title :label Navigate to the edit page for the specified ECK entity type and title.
When I visit :bundle :entity_type with title :label Navigate to the view page for the specified ECK entity type and title.
ElementTrait (example)
Then I( should) see the :selector element with the :attribute attribute set to :value Assert that an element with the specified selector and attribute value exists.
I( should) see the :selector element with a(n) :attribute attribute containing :value Assert that an element with the specified selector and attribute value exists, matching a wildcard pattern.
Then I should see an element :selector using :type contains :text text Assert that an element with selector contains text.
EmailTrait (example)
Given I enable the test email system Enable the test email system.
Given I disable the test email system Disable the test email system.
When I clear the test email system queue Clear the test email system queue.
Then an email is sent to :address Assert that an email was sent to the specified address.
Then no emails were sent Assert that no email messages were sent.
Then no emails were sent to :address Assert that no email messages were sent to the specified address.
Then an email header :header contains: Assert that an email message header contains the specified content.
Then an email header :header contains exact: Assert that an email message header contains the exact specified content.
Then /^an email to "(?P<name>[^"]*)" user is "(?P<action>[^"]*)" with "(?P<field>[^"]*)" content:$/ Assert that an email message was sent or not sent to a user with the specified content.
Then an email :field contains Assert that an email message field contains the specified value.
Then an email :field contains exact Assert that an email message field contains the exact specified value.
Then an email :field does not contain Assert that an email message field does not contain the specified value.
Then an email :field does not contains exact Assert that an email message field does not contain the exact specified value.
When I follow the link number :number in the email with the subject Visit a link from the email with the specified subject.
Then file :name attached to the email with the subject Assert that a file is attached to an email message with the specified subject.
FieldTrait (example)
Then I see field :name Assert that a field exists on the page using its id, name, label, or value.
Then I don't see field :name Assert that a field does not exist on the page using its id, name, label, or value.
Then field :name :exists on the page Assert whether the field exists on the page using its id, name, label, or value.
Then field :name is :disabled on the page Assert whether the field is disabled on the page.
Then field :name should be :presence on the page and have state :state Assert whether the field exists on the page and has a specified state.
Then I fill color in :field for :value Fills value for color field.
Then color field :field value is :value Asserts that a color field has a value.
FileDownloadTrait (example)
Then I download file from :url Download a file from the specified URL.
Then I download file from link :link Download a file from the specified HTML link.
Then I see download :link link :presence(on the page) Assert that an HTML link is present or absent on the page.
Then downloaded file contains: Assert the contents of the downloaded file.
Then downloaded file name is :name Assert the file name of the downloaded file.
Then downloaded file is zip archive that contains files: Assert that the downloaded file is a ZIP archive containing specified files.
Then downloaded file is zip archive that does not contain files: Assert that the downloaded file is a ZIP archive that does not contain specified files.
FileTrait (example)
Given managed file: Create a managed file with the properties provided in the table.
Given no managed files: Delete managed files defined by the provided properties or fields.
Given unmanaged file :uri created Create an unmanaged file.
Given unmanaged file :uri created with content :content Create an unmanaged file with specified content.
Then unmanaged file :uri exists Assert that an unmanaged file with the specified URI exists.
Then unmanaged file :uri does not exist Assert that an unmanaged file with the specified URI does not exist.
Then unmanaged file :uri has content :content Assert that an unmanaged file exists and has the specified content.
Then unmanaged file :uri does not have content :content Assert that an unmanaged file exists and does not have the specified content.
JsTrait (example)
When I accept confirmation dialogs Accept confirmation dialogs appearing on the page.
When I do not accept confirmation dialogs Do not accept confirmation dialogs appearing on the page.
When /^(?:\|I )click (an?\|on) "(?P<element>[^"]*)" element$/ Click on the element defined by the selector.
When I trigger JS :event event on :selector element Trigger an event on the specified element.
Then /^I scroll to an? element with id "([^"]*)"$/ Scroll to an element with ID.
Then the element with id :id should be at the top of the page Assert the element with id at the top of page.
KeyboardTrait (example)
Given I press the :keys keys Press multiple keyboard keys.
Given I press the :keys keys on :selector Press multiple keyboard keys on the specified element.
Given I press the :char key Press the specified keyboard key.
Given I press the :char key on :selector Press the specified keyboard key on the specified element.
LinkTrait (example)
Then I should see the link :text with :href Assert the presence of a link with the specified href.
Then I should see the link :text with :href in :locator Assert the presence of a link with the specified href in the specified locator.
Then I should not see the link :text with :href Assert that a link with the specified href does not exist.
Then I should not see the link :text with :href in :locator Assert that a link with the specified href does not exist in the specified locator.
Then the link with title :title exists Assert that a link with the specified title exists.
Then the link with title :title does not exist Assert that a link with the specified title does not exist.
Then I click the link with title :title Click on the link with the specified title.
Then the link( with title) :text is an absolute link Assert that the link with the specified text is absolute.
Then the link( with title) :text is not an absolute link Assert that the link with the specified text is not absolute.
MediaTrait (example)
Given no :type media type Remove the specified media type.
Given :type media: Create media of the given type.
Given /^no ([a-zA-z0-9_-]+) media:$/ Remove media defined by the provided properties.
Navigate to edit media with specified type and name. Navigate to the edit page for the specified media type and name.
MenuTrait (example)
Given no menus: Remove the specified menus.
Given menus: Create a menu if one does not exist.
Given no :menu_name menu_links: Remove menu links by title.
Given :menu_name menu_links: Create menu links.
MetaTagTrait (example)
Then I should see a meta tag with the following attributes: Assert that a meta tag with specific attributes and values exists.
Then I should not see a meta tag with the following attributes: Assert that a meta tag with specific attributes and values does not exist.
ParagraphsTrait (example)
When :field_name in :bundle :entity_type with :entity_field_name of :entity_field_identifer has :paragraph_type paragraph: Create paragraphs of the given type with fields for the specified entity.
PathTrait (example)
Then I should be in the :path path Assert the current page is the specified path.
Then I should not be in the :path path Assert the current page is not the specified path.
Then I :can visit :path with HTTP credentials :user :pass Assert that the specified path can be visited with HTTP credentials.
When I visit :path then the final URL should be :alias Visit the specified path and assert the final URL.
ResponseTrait (example)
Then response contains header :name Assert that the response contains a header with the specified name.
Then response does not contain header :name Assert that the response does not contain a header with the specified name.
Then response header :name contains :value Assert that the response header contains the specified value.
Then response header :name does not contain :value Assert that the response header does not contain the specified value.
RoleTrait (example)
Given role :name with permissions :permissions Create a single role with the specified permissions.
Given roles: Create multiple roles from the specified table.
SelectTrait (example)
Then select :select should have an option :option Assert that the specified select element has the specified option.
Then select :select should not have an option :option Assert that the specified select element does not have the specified option.
Then /^the option "([^"]*)" from select "([^"]*)" is selected$/ Assert that the specified option is selected in the specified select element.
SearchApiTrait (example)
When I index :type :title for search Index a node with all Search API indices.
When I index :limit Search API items Index a specified number of items across all active Search API indices.
TaxonomyTrait (example)
Given vocabulary :vid with name :name exists Assert that the specified vocabulary exists.
Given taxonomy term :name from vocabulary :vocabulary_id exists Assert that the specified taxonomy term exists by name.
Given no :vocabulary terms: Remove terms from the specified vocabulary.
When I visit :vocabulary vocabulary term :name Visit the specified vocabulary term page.
When I edit :vocabulary vocabulary term :name Visit the specified vocabulary term edit page.
UserTrait (example)
When I visit user :name profile Visit the profile page of the specified user.
When I go to my profile edit page Visit the edit page of the current user.
When I edit user :name profile Visit the edit page of the specified user.
Given no users: Remove users specified in the table.
Then user :name has :roles role(s) assigned Assert that a user has the specified roles assigned.
Then user :name does not have :roles role(s) assigned Assert that a user does not have the specified roles assigned.
Then user :name has :status status Assert whether a user is active or not.
Then I set user :user password to :password Set a password for a user.
Then the last access time of user :name is :time Set last access time for user.
VisibilityTrait (example)
Then /^(?:\|I )should see a visible "(?P<selector>[^"]*)" element$/ Assert that the element with the specified CSS selector is visible on the page.
Then /^(?:\|I )should not see a visible "(?P<selector>[^"]*)" element$/ Assert that the element with the specified CSS selector is not visible on the page.
Then /^(?:\|I )should see a visually visible "(?P<selector>[^"]*)" element(?: with top offset of "([^"]*)" pixels)?$/ Assert that the element with the specified CSS selector is visually visible on the page.
Then /^(?:\|I )should not see a visually hidden "(?P<selector>[^"]*)" element(?: with top offset of "([^"]*)" pixels)?$/ Assert that the element with the specified CSS selector is visually hidden on the page.
WaitTrait (example)
Then /^(?:\|I )wait (\d+) second(s?)$/ Wait for the specified number of seconds.
Given I wait :timeout seconds for AJAX to finish Wait for AJAX to finish.
WysiwygTrait (example)
When I fill in WYSIWYG :field with :value Set the value for the WYSIWYG field.

Skipping before scenario hooks

Some traits provide beforeScenario hook implementations. These can be disabled by adding behat-steps-skip:METHOD_NAME tag to your test.

For example, to skip beforeScenario hook from JsTrait, add @behat-steps-skip:jsBeforeScenarioInit tag to the feature.


Local environment setup

Use ahoy --help to see the list of available commands.

Running tests

The source code of traits is tested by running Behat tests in the same way they would be run in your project: traits are included into FeatureContext.php and then ran on the pre-configured fixture Drupal site using test features.

Run ahoy build to setup a fixture Drupal site in the build directory.

ahoy test-bdd                # Run all tests

ahoy test-bdd path/to/file   # Run all scenarios in specific feature file

ahoy test-bdd -- --tags=wip  # Run all scenarios tagged with `@wip` tag

Debugging tests

Updating fixture site

Repository created using https://getscaffold.dev/ project scaffold template