drewblas / aws-ses

Provides an easy ruby DSL & interface to AWS SES
MIT License
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AWS::SES is a Ruby library for Amazon's Simple Email Service's REST API (http://aws.amazon.com/ses).

== Getting started

To get started you need to require 'aws/ses':

% irb -rubygems irb(main):001:0> require 'aws/ses'

=> true

Before you can do anything, you must establish a connection using Base.new. A basic connection would look something like this:

ses = AWS::SES::Base.new( :access_key_id => 'abc', :secret_access_key => '123' )

The minimum connection options that you must specify are your access key id and your secret access key.

=== Connecting to a server from another region

The default server API endpoint is "email.us-east-1.amazonaws.com", corresponding to the US East 1 region.

To connect to a different one, just pass it as a parameter to the AWS::SES::Base initializer:

ses = AWS::SES::Base.new( :access_key_id => 'abc', :secret_access_key => '123', :server => 'email.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com', :message_id_domain => 'eu-west-1.amazonses.com' )

== Send E-mail

Adds functionality for send_email and send_raw_email Use the following to send an e-mail:

ses = AWS::SES::Base.new( ... connection info ... ) ses.send_email( :to => ['jon@example.com', 'dave@example.com'], :source => '"Steve Smith" steve@example.com', :subject => 'Subject Line', :text_body => 'Internal text body' ) By default, the email "from" display address is whatever is before the @. To change the display from, use the format:

"Steve Smith" steve@example.com

You can also send Mail objects using send_raw_email:

m = Mail.new( :to => ..., :from => ... ) ses.send_raw_email(m)

send_raw_email will also take a hash and pass it through Mail.new automatically as well.

== Addresses

AWS::SES::Addresses provides for:

You can access these methods as follows:

ses = AWS::SES::Base.new( ... connection info ... )

Get a list of verified addresses


Add a new e-mail address to verify


Delete an e-mail address


== Info

Adds functionality for the statistics and info send quota data that Amazon SES makes available

You can access these methods as follows:

ses = AWS::SES::Base.new( ... connection info ... )

== Get the quota information response = ses.quota

How many e-mails you've sent in the last 24 hours


How many e-mails you're allowed to send in 24 hours


How many e-mails you can send per second


== Get detailed send statistics The result is a list of data points, representing the last two weeks of sending activity. Each data point in the list contains statistics for a 15-minute interval. GetSendStatisticsResponse#data_points is an array where each element is a hash with give string keys:

For example:

response = ses.statistics

will return:


== Rails

This gem is compatible with Rails >= 3.0.0 and Ruby 2.3.x

To use, first add the gem to your Gemfile:

gem "aws-ses", "~> 0.7.0", :require => 'aws/ses'

== For Rails 3.x

Then, add your Amazon credentials and extend ActionMailer in config/initializers/amazon_ses.rb:

ActionMailer::Base.add_delivery_method :ses, AWS::SES::Base,
  :access_key_id     => 'abc',
  :secret_access_key => '123',
  :signature_version => 4

Then set the delivery method in config/environments/*.rb as appropriate:

config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :ses

== For Rails 2.3.x

Then set the delivery method in config/environments/*rb as appropriate:

config.after_initialize do
  ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method = :amazon_ses
  ActionMailer::Base.custom_amazon_ses_mailer = AWS::SES::Base.new(:secret_access_key => 'abc', :access_key_id => '123')

== Issues

=== HTTP Segmentation fault

If you get this error: net/http.rb:677: [BUG] Segmentation fault

It means that you are not running with SSL enabled in ruby. Re-compile ruby with ssl support or add this option to your environment: RUBYOPT="-r openssl"

=== Rejected sending

If you are receiving this message and you HAVE verified the [source] please check to be sure you are not in sandbox mode! "Email address is not verified.MessageRejected (AWS::Error)" If you have not been granted production access, you will have to verify all recipients as well.

To verify email addresses and domains: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ses/latest/DeveloperGuide/verify-addresses-and-domains.html

To request production access: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ses/latest/DeveloperGuide/request-production-access.html

== Source

Available at: https://github.com/drewblas/aws-ses

== Contributing to aws-ses

== Copyright

Copyright (c) 2011 Drew Blas. See LICENSE for further details.

== Thanks

Special thanks to Marcel Molina Jr. for his creation of AWS::S3 which I used portions of to get things working.

=== Other Contributors: