drewcrawford / kiruna

An experimental, tiny, fast, and simple async executor and IO library for Rust
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async asyncio executor rust


Kiruna is an experimental, tiny, fast, and simple async executor and IO library. Kiruna is an answer to these questions:

  1. What if Rust had EVEN MOAR async runtimes than it does already?
  2. What's missing for writing interactive desktop/mobile applications?
  3. What if you 'stepped into' some Future implementation and found 1-2 small files you could read, understand, debug, and optimize?
  4. What if we just call some API from the operating system?
  5. What if users provided a bit more information that could fix performance issues before they happen?
  6. What if you are a hipster and too cool to use tokio?

For more details on the rationale and design principles, read the manifesto.

Kiruna is also a remote town in the arctic circle. Programs that use it will be cold, beautiful, and isolated from more popular async runtimes.


Cargo features

Kiruna is "batteries included but off by default". When you build kiruna you build basically nothing, to do something you need to turn it on. Table of features:

Coming someday:

Out of scope:

Kiruna manifesto

Interactive apps

Runtimes like tokio and even most alternatives like smol are thinking about servers. Their assumption is you have a bajillion requests, and the more requests per second the better they are.

In an interactive application, you have 15 tasks, perhaps 2 of which are realtime. Success means "not interrupting the realtime tasks", which might be delaying outstanding work. For that reason, many async libraries that exist are at loggerheads with application use.

There are some cool solutions to this problem like thin_main_loop. However, they tend to view GUI problems as a separate "thing". To some extent they are, to some extent though it creates distance with more 'mainline' async Rust.

The whole problem is resolved by assigning every task a priority. Tasks with the same priority target maximum throughput, so that's the same as in serverland. Tasks with different priorities target not interrupting a higher-priority task.

Of course, the key difference of this design is it requires the application developer to specify the priority of the task. This implicitly means that any use of Kiruna expects more options and configuration than other async runtimes.

More information

This illustrates an important principle of Kiruna's design, which is 'ask the developer what they want to do'. Reading a file isn't just a question of file descriptors, it is a question of semantics and intent, because opening a document and caching data should have different task priorities.

Another dimension of difference is in types of files. If you are reading from a socket, there is nothing for it besides copying all the data into memory which has such complications as residency, buffer sizes, and deallocations that ultimately someone has to manage. Whereas with an ordinary file, any modern OS can memory-map that file for reading which is usually way cheaper and simpler.

But even though the application programmer knows whether they're reading from a file or a socket, many async IO libraries do not. If they assume the common denominator, the missed optimizations contribute to the common observation that using async might make code slower. Alternatively, if libraries perform checks or heuristics, there's also a runtime cost for that, and the increased complexity of maintaining that code. And if the application works with an owned buffer, the optimization might be moot entirely.

In Kiruna, IO operations have 'personalities' that distinguish various cases with a zero-cost abstraction and helps the application developer understand what is going on, and will naturally choose the right API. It's a bit like C-CALLER-CONTROL principle of making functions that need owned data have owned data parameters. It makes the performance easier to reason about, at the cost of some additional API.

The tradeoff is you have to tell Kiruna more information just to 'read a file' than you would in another library.

Small implementations

Async implementations can be quite complicated, and many libraries create shared, reusable components to manage this complexity. For example, they may introduce a "reactor", and this reactor may have various "backends" that vary by platform. While these designs improve consistency internally in large codebases like tokio, these concepts are distant from 'reading a file' which is allegedly why we entered the async tarpit to begin with. The result is that opening the hood is much harder for application developers than it could be.

In Kiruna, the "async read function on macOS" looks like it does that. Here it is:

    ///Performs a single read.
    /// In practice, this function reads 0 bytes if the stream is closed.
    fn once<'a, O: Into<OSReadOptions<'a>>>(&self, os_read_options: O) -> impl Future<Output=Result<Managed,OSError>> {
        let (continuation, completion) = blocksr::continuation::Continuation::<(),_>::new();
        read_completion(dispatch_fd_t::new(self.fd), usize::MAX, os_read_options.into().queue, |data,err| {
            if err==0 {
            else {

Admittedly there are a few more <> in there than I'd like, but you don't need a degree in reactorology to profile this code or set a breakpoint. You might compare this to some similar implementation in tokio (at least, I think they're similar, but I'm not certain.) I don't mean tokio code is bad in any way, I just mean it's not obvious what it does exactly, which is not what I want when debugging my application.

The design principle in Kiruna is that we start with the problem, which is reading a file, and then "just write code that does that".

If it's that easy, you might well ask why other libraries don't have that design. The tradeoff is that there are a lot of tiny functions in Kiruna and they lack consistency in their implementations. Personally I think this is a feature, since memory-mapped IO is different than other kinds and it deserves a different implementation. The result is you might encounter many more implementation differences, particularly across different OS. Please file bugs.

In limited cases, such as for read/write on the same OS and personality, Kiruna has some code reuse, but it is quite narrow in scope and only has to worry about a very small set of situations within a single platform so it's easy to jump into and see what it does.

OS leverage

When you have a "big reactor" design, porting your library to an OS becomes all about porting the reactor, which ultimately calls some very low-level kernel call regardless of read/write, file/socket, etc. For example, kqueue or epoll.

However, kqueue is not anywhere close to the preferred way to do IO on macOS, that is dispatch_read. Similarly, epoll is not the preferred way to do IO on linux, that is io_uring. Because these APIs are all very different from each other, and the reactor should be the same everywhere, it's quite difficult for reactors to adopt them.

However, because Kiruna is built around many little functions that "just read a file on macOS", they can "just" call the OS's preferred API to read files on macOS. In fact, one function can call kqueue and another might call dispatch, which is great for experimentation, profiling, debugging, and incrementally adopting OS innovation.