drewmcdonald / obsidian-magic-mic

Record, transcribe, and summarize audio directly into Obsidian with custom assistants
MIT License
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Magic Mic

Record, transcribe, and summarize audio directly into Obsidian with custom assistants.

⭐️ Run custom summary assistants

Summary assistants turn your transcribed memos into useful notes. Set up one assistant for journal entries and another for meeting notes - it's completely up to you!

πŸ“ƒ Transcribe with spelling and style hints

Seed Magic Mic with a sample of names and acronyms to prevent annoying misspellings. Be sure to read OpenAI's docs to get the most out of this feature.

πŸ”΄ Record as long as you like

Magic Mic handles long running audio gracefully and intelligently following OpenAI's best practices.

🎧 Transcribe and summarize outside audio

Use your summary assistants on audio that wasn't recorded within Obsidian. Just add the audio to your vault, open it, and run the 'Transcribe and summarize' command with one of your assistants.

Getting started

Configure an OpenAI API key in the Magic Mic settings. You can get one from https://platform.openai.com/api-keys.

Then, click the Magic Mic icon (the microphone) to begin recording. Click the icon again to pause or finish recording. A new note will be created with the audio file, a transcript, and summary generated by your chosen assistant. The note and audio file are stored in the vault according to your Obsidian settings.

Now that you've gotten the hang of it, try controlling Magic Mic via commands! You can start, pause, resume, cancel, or finish recording.

Settings and customization

Default summary instructions ``` You are an AI specializing in summarizing transcribed voice notes. Below is a transcript of a spoken recording. Please generate concise notes in markdown format, prioritizing clarity and coherence. Reorganize content into appropriate sections with headers. Do not infer any additional context or information beyond the transcription. Keep the content structured and readable in markdown format, but without using code blocks. Below is the transcribed audio: ```