drlippman / IMathAS-Extras

Supplemental code related to IMathAS
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'Convert to Word' not converting to word #2

Open rationalreasoning opened 5 years ago

rationalreasoning commented 5 years ago

I am trying to get the convert to word print version running for a professor at CSUSB who is wanting to use IMathAS to generate paper tests. I was able to install pandoc through the yum repo and get it to spit out the attached file. convertedfile.docx But Word is unable to open it. Opening in wordpad displays an error which looks like

Notice: Undefined index: html in /home/imathas/public_html/pandoc/html2docx.php on line 71

Line 71 looks like..

$html = $_POST['html'];

this is all followed by a file full of random characters. I guess my questions are.. Is pandoc a new enough version to work for this converter? I tried to update through cabal but never made it through the errors. There isn't a lot of documentation for this and i'm kind of stuck.

drlippman commented 5 years ago

Given the error, it sounds like the POST didn't include the html parameter. That sounds like an issue on the sending end, not in the html2docx script. Maybe use the browser network inspector to see if the POST parameters are being sent.