drlippman / IMathAS-Extras

Supplemental code related to IMathAS
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Supplemental code related to IMathAS

pandoc server

This is used by the "Convert to Word" print version option in IMathAS.


livepoll server

This sets up a websocket server to enable the LivePoll feature in IMathAS.

The code is set up to run on SSL, so you'll need to put your SSL keys in the directory indicated in the code. Also change the livepollpassword value.

To setup the SSL

To keep the server running in the background, you'll need to set up some kind of autostart config.

Once set up, put $CFG['GEN']['livepollserver'] = 'your.server.com' and $CFG['GEN']['livepollpassword'] = 'yourpassword' in your IMathAS config.php.


This script will attempt to convert all the <math> tags in an HTML document to Wordpress-style latex tags using an xsl transform