drocta / CGT

Combinatorial Game Theory stuff.
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Combinatorial Game Theory stuff.

This file provides a variety of tools for combinatorial game theory.

Features include: going from finite integer to the corresponding surreal number game going from non-negative integer to the corresponding nimber game adding games, negating games, multiplying game forms simplifying games determining the birthday of games determing the smallest non-negative integer greater or equal to a game an initial attempt at creating an optimization for certain well understood games with the ga class (name potentially not final)

And an interactive calculator function called cgtshell


How to use cgtshell: To use cgtshell, call cgtshell() then enter expressions to see the outputs. syntax for various expressions: cgtshell for the most part uses polish notation/prefix notation, so to add the games 2 and 2, one would say

_ represents the result of the previous expression.

To express a game, if the game is a finite integer, use that integer (e.g. 5. -5 would be -5 because - negates the 5. --5==5) if the game is a finite number, use an asterisk followed by that integer (e.g. *4 )

Note that games become too large to handle quickly fairly quickly.


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