droidifi / newracom-s1g

Newracom driver and components for native S1G / 802.11ah
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Newracom driver and compoments for Linux native S1G / 802.11ah

The components needed for native S1G suport are:

Linux kernel 5.10.x

Wpa_supplicant & hostapd

Wireless-regdb & CRDA

Newracom driver, dtbo file and cli_app utility application

The components can be checked out directly from the droidifi repositories

The branch name is "linux-5.10.x-S1G" in each of the wireless-regdb, linux, hostap and nrc7292_sw_pkg repos

Or the original repositories can be checked out and the patchfiles in this repo can be applied

A ready-to-go SD card image for a Raspberry Pi model 3 or model 4 is available at:


The SD card image automatically loads the mac80211.ko and nrc.ko modules. The cli_app is included. After booting assign an IP address to the wlan1 interface and run either wpa_supplicant or hostapd.

The default country is 'EU'. If you would like to use another country code, edit the file in /mnt/rootfs/etc/modprobe.d/nrc.conf and change the two letter country to one of [US, EU, JP, KR, TW, CN] in the "fw_country=EU" module parameter. You will also need to edit the /etc/wpa_supplicant/sta_halow_sae_s1g.conf or /etc/hostapd/ap_halow_sae_s1g.conf file. If using an EU country, actual country codes such as DE, FR, SE, GB, etc must be used for wpa_supplicant and hostapd. They will automatically be translated to 'EU' for the Newracom firmware. Otherwise use US, JP, KR, TW or CN directly.


Clone the following repositories:






Make sure you checkout the linux-5.10.x-S1G branch.


Run "make && make install"


Copy the public keys from the wireless-regdb repo

cp [path]/wireless-regdb/*.key.pub.pem [path]/crda/pubkeys/

Run "make && make install"

hostapd & wpa_supplicant

Change to the hostap/hostapd directory

Run "make && make install"

Change to the hostap/wpa_supplicant directory

Run "make && make install"

linux kernel for Raspberry Pi

You will have to cross-compile the Pi 64-bit kernel on an x86_64 machine

Install the cross-compiler via "apt install gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu"

Change to the linux directory

Export the cross-compile variables

export ARCH=arm64
export CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu-
export CFLAGS="-march=armv8-a+crc -mtune=cortex-a72"
export INSTALL_MOD_PATH=[path to mounted SD card]

Run "make brcm2711_defconfig"

Run "make -j4 Image modules dtbs"

Run "make modules_install"

Copy the kernel to [sd card mount path]/boot

cp arch/arm64/boot/Image [path]/boot/kernel8.img

Copy the *.dtb files to [sd card mount path]/boot

cp arch/arm64/boot/dts/broadcom/*.dtb [path]/boot/

Copy the *.dtbo overlay files to [path]/boot/overlays/

cp arch/arm64/boot/dts/overlays/*.dtbo [path]/boot/overlays/

Edit the [path]/boot/config.txt file and add the line "arm64_bit=1"

Boot the SD card and run "uname -a" to make sure you are running a 64-bit kernel

Newracom module, dtbo, and cli_app

After cloning the nrc7292_sw_pkg repo, change to package/host/nrc_driver/source/nrc_driver/nrc

Make sure you have the same variables exported used to compile the kernel

Export the KDIR variable set to the path to the kernel source directory

export KDIR=[path to kernel source]

Run "make clean && make && make modules_install"

This will install the newracom nrc.ko module to the [path]/lib/modules/[kernel version] directory

Please see the README file in the nrc7292_sw_pkg repo for instructions on compiling dtbo and cli_app and installing the firmware in the /lib/firmware directory

The newracom.dtbo file should be copied to the [path]/boot/overlays directory.


Load the modules

sudo modprobe mac80211
sudo insmod /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/extra/nrc.ko fw_name=nrc7292_cspi.bin hifspeed=16000000 fw_country=[US,EU,JP,TW,KR,CN]

Adjust the driver Wi-Fi parameters (optional)

sudo cli_app set maxagg 1 8
sudo cli_app set txpwr 23
sudo cli_app set gi short

Running the hostapd soft Access Point

ip addr add dev wlan1
hostapd /etc/hostapd/ap_halow_sae_s1g.conf

Running the wpa_supplicant Wi-Fi client (on a different device than hostapd)

ip addr add dev wlan1
wpa_supplicant -iwlan1 -Dnl80211 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant/sta_halow_sae_s1g.conf