Implement Real-Time Semantic Segmentation with Mask_RCNN.
The algorithm has been tested on the above mentioned configuration, but I'm pretty sure that other combinations would also work effectively. But please make sure that you have TF/Keras combination as mentioned above. Opencv 3.4 would suffice.
This implementation would work better if you have a GPU in your system and use CUDA-accelerated learning. In a MSI laptop with 1050Ti (4 GB with 768 cuda cores), i5-8220 and 8GB RAM, the FPS obtained is 4.637.
Also, in order to test it on a Tello, make sure that you have the drone turned on and connected to its WiFi network. Once you esecute this code, press TAB
to take-off and BACKSPACE
to land. Other manual navigation commands are given in the header of the python code.
Make sure you have installed TelloPy
Install Dependencies (Not Mentioned Above)
$ sudo -H pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ sudo -H pip3 install av opencv-python
$ sudo -H pip3 install git+
Using pre-trained weights for MS COCO
It is included in {} that downloading the pre-trained weights for MS COCO.
Run Demonstration
$ python3
Alternatively, you could download the weights file from here.