dropik / receipt-scan-serverless

Serverless AWS application for receipt scan
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This is a serverless application that uses AWS Lambda, S3, and Textract to scan a receipt image and extract the text from it. The extracted text is then stored in MySQL database.




Even though deployment uses SAM CLI, the build process is managed by CMake. So you first build the project using CMake which generates deployment template and artifacts and then deploy the project using SAM CLI.

  1. Make sure you have CMake, AWS CLI and SAM CLI installed.
  2. Make sure you have a valid toolchain for compiling against AWS ARM64 Lambda runtime.
  3. Make sure you have MySQL database setup.
  4. Make sure you have Cognito User Pool setup.
  5. Create a build directory
    mkdir out
    cd out
  6. Run CMake, replace <path-to-aws-toolchain-file> with the path to the toolchain file.
    cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=<path-to-aws-toolchain-file>
  7. Build the project
    cmake --build .
  8. Deploy the project, replace <stage> with the stage you want to deploy to. Provide cognito user pool arn to connect API gateway to cognito.
    ./deploy <stage> --parameter-overrides CognitoUserPool=<cognito-user-pool-arn>
  9. Setup database. Execute all the scripts in database directory in MySQL database.
  10. Bedrock model does not make part of cloudformation stack. You need to deploy it manually. This project uses Claude Instant 1.2 model.
  11. Configure connection to MySQL database in Systems Manager Parameter Store. Create a parameter with name /receipt-scan/<stage>/db-connection-string and value as connection string to MySQL database.

Authenticating with API

  1. Navigate to your Cognito User Pool in AWS Console.
  2. Create a new user.
  3. Go to App Integration.
  4. Find your Cognito domain. This is the domain you will use to authenticate with the API.
  5. Navigate to App clients and find the Client id of receipt-scan-<stage>-user-pool-client. This is the default user pool client created by the project.
  6. Browse url https://<cognito-domain>/login?response_type=code&client_id=<client-id>&redirect_uri=<your-redirect-uri>. Replace <cognito-domain>, <client-id> and with your values. After successful login you will be redirected to the indicated page with a code in the url.
  7. With postman or curl or any other tool, make a POST request to https://<cognito-domain>/oauth2/token with x-www-form-urlencoded body providing values grant_type=authorization_code, client_id=<client-id>, code=<code> and redirect_uri=<redirect-uri>. Replace <client-id>, <code> and with your values. The endpoint will exchange the code for an access_token.
  8. Now to make requests to the application API you need to provide the access_token in the Authorization header (without Bearer).


Please note, that all endpoints except POST /user will return 400 if user was not initialized with POST /user endpoint.



