This package contains advanced converter classes for cattrs, a great serialization library built around attrs.
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from enum import Enum
from decimal import Decimal
from datetime import datetime
from attr import dataclass
from cattrs_extras.converter import Converter
class Color(Enum):
class Apple:
weight: Decimal
color: Color
best_before: datetime
sweet: bool
converter = Converter()
raw_apple = {
'weight': '200.5',
'color': 'RED',
'best_before': '2020-04-02T12:00:00',
'sweet': 'true'
apple = converter.structure(raw_apple, Apple)
assert apple == Apple(weight=Decimal('200.5'), color=Color.RED, best_before=datetime(2020, 4, 2, 12, 0), sweet=True)
raw_apple = converter.unstructure(apple)
assert raw_apple == {'weight': '200.5', 'color': 'RED', 'best_before': 1585818000.0, 'sweet': True}
Important note: Tortoise ORM has chosen Pydantic as a serialization library, so better to stick with it. However, Pydantic support is still WIP; you can check the current status here.
from cattrs_extras.tortoise.converter import TortoiseConverter
from cattrs_extras.tortoise.model import Model
from tortoise import fields
# TODO: ReversedCharEnumField example
class AppleModel(Model):
id = fields.IntField(pk=True)
weight = fields.DecimalField(20, 10)
color = fields.CharEnumField(Color)
best_before = fields.DateField()
sweet = fields.BooleanField()
# NOTE: Replace with module name of your models
tortoise_converter = TortoiseConverter('cattrs_extras.tortoise.model')
apple_model = tortoise_converter.structure(raw_apple, AppleModel)
assert apple_model == AppleModel(weight=Decimal('200.5'), color=Color.RED, best_before=datetime(2020, 4, 2, 12, 0), sweet=True)
raw_apple = tortoise_converter.unstructure(apple_model)
assert raw_apple == {'id': None, 'weight': '200.5', 'color': 'RED', 'best_before': 1585774800.0, 'sweet': True}
in module containing models will lead to exception. However, you can still use strings as typehints.