droste89 / SOStab

A sum-of-squares toolbox for stability analysis
GNU General Public License v3.0
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ROA of SMIB system #12

Open Vurgit opened 1 year ago

Vurgit commented 1 year ago

We have tested this on a SMIB system, but something seems to go wrong. One with polynomialization returns ROA with volume = 0 and one with taylor expansion returns volume = 1.7 but both of them cannot plot the ROA. We are wondering why this will happen and codes are attached. Thank you for your patience and time if you could help us with this. `clear syms w theta syms z1 z2 H = 0.5; D = 0.1; X = 0.1; E = 1; V = 1; Pm = 0.9; f = [ w; (Pm - E V sin(theta) / X - D w) / 2 / H; ]; x = [w; theta]; x0 = [0; asin(X Pm)]; % sinθ = z1, cosθ = z2 f_tayl = taylor(f, x, x0, 'Order', 4); % x_recast = [w; z1; z2]; % x0_recast = [0; sin(x0(2)); cos(x0(2))];

eq = x0; dev = [1; 1]; % ang_ind = [2, 3]; SMIB = SOStab(eq, dev); sysDyn = sym2SOStab('SMIB', f_tayl, x); SMIB.dynamics = eval(sysDyn); [vol, vc, wc] = SMIB.SoS_out(4,5,0.1); vopow = value(SMIB.vcoef_outer); wopow = value(SMIB.wcoef_outer); SMIB.plot_roa(1, 2, 'outer');`

`clear syms w theta syms z1 z2 H = 0.5; D = 0.1; X = 0.1; E = 1; V = 1; Pm = 0.9; f = [ w; (Pm - E V sin(theta) / X - D w) / 2 / H; ]; x = [w; theta]; x0 = [0; asin(X Pm)]; % sinθ = z1, cosθ = z2 f_recast = [ w z2; w (-z1); (Pm - E V z1 - D * w) / 2 / H; ]; x_recast = [w; z1; z2]; x0_recast = [0; sin(x0(2)); cos(x0(2))];

eq = x0_recast; dev = [1; 1; 1;]; ang_ind = [2, 3]; SMIB = SOStab(eq, dev, ang_ind); sysDyn = sym2SOStab('SMIB', f_recast, x_recast); SMIB.dynamics = eval(sysDyn); [vol, vc, wc] = SMIB.SoS_out(10,5,0.1); vopow = value(SMIB.vcoef_outer); wopow = value(SMIB.wcoef_outer); SMIB.plot_roa(1, [2, 3], 'outer');`

function sysDyn = sym2SOStab(sysName, f, x) if ~isa(sysName, 'string') sysName = string(sysName); end f_str = string(f); x_str = string(x); [a, b] = size(x); nx = numel(x); dots = repmat(".", a, b); sysPre = join([repmat(sysName, a, b), dots], ""); % xPre = "x"; xNew_str = join([repmat("x(", a, b), join([string((1 : nx).'), repmat(")", a, b)]) ], ""); f_str_new = replace(f_str, x_str, join([sysPre, xNew_str], "")); sysDyn = f_str_new; sysDyn = join([sysDyn, repmat(";", nx, 1)]); sysDyn = join(sysDyn.'); sysDyn = join(["[", sysDyn, "]"]); end