droste89 / SOStab

A sum-of-squares toolbox for stability analysis
GNU General Public License v3.0
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lasserre-hierarchies optimization region-of-attraction stability-analysis sum-of-squares toolbox


A sum-of-squares Matlab toolbox for stability analysis.

The goal of the toolbox is to facilitate the use of SoS programming for calculating an approximation of the region of attraction (RoA) of a dynamical system. The only input needed are an equilibrium point, the admissible set and the dynamics of the system.

SOStab requires YALMIP, as well as a semidefinite solver. Mosek is used by default, but it can be replaced by any other solver, provided they are installed and interfaced through YALMIP.

This Readme illustrates how to use the class with several examples and then describe the properties and the method of the class in the last section.


Only the SOStab.m file is needed for the toolbox to work. You can put it in your working directory or add it to your Matlab path, to have it available everywhere:

addpath SOStab

Simple example

Initialize the class

Initialize with an equilibrium point $x{eq}$ and a range $\Delta x$, that defines the admissible set: $[x{eq}-\Delta x, x_{eq}+\Delta x]$. The two vectors must have the same size. You can change the default values for the solver used and the verbose parameter of the optimization calls.

toy = SOStab([0;0],[1;1]);
%toy.solver = 'mosek';
%toy.verbose = 2;

Define the dynamics of the system

Define $f$ such that $\dot{x} = f(x)$, the vector must have the same size as $x_{eq}$. The property x of the class is a YALMIP sdpvar, which is a symbolic representation of the state variable. It has the same size as the problem. The property t is also an sdpvar, representing time that can be useful here. For example, here we implement a simple radial system:

toy.dynamics = (toy.x'*toy.x - 0.25)*toy.x;

Solve the outer approximation problem

Solve the outer approximation of the finite horizon RoA for a target set $\lbrace x \in \mathbb{R}^n : ||x-x_{eq}||< \varepsilon \rbrace$, with $\varepsilon=0.1$ and a time horizon $T=20$. The degree of the polynomials is defined by $d=6$. $d$ above 20 is useless and for high dimensions ($n > 6$), a standard computer RAM can't cope with $d$ above 10.


Solve the inner approximation problem

Solve the inner approximation of the RoA. Note that the results of this approximation are very sensitive to the relative size of the sets and the degree of the polynomials. You can check the relevance of the results by verifying the coefficients of $w$. If they are null for most of them, then this means that the solver was not able to find the optimum of the problem. You can try to increase the size of the target set or the degree of the polyomials.

witoy = value(toy.wcoef_inner);
witoy(1) = witoy(1)-1;
if witoy'*witoy > 0.00001
    disp("w not relevant")

Plot the RoA

Plot the projection of the RoA in two dimensions (for the last calculated approximation).


The first two arguments indicate the indices of the variables to plot. The fourth (optionnal) argument indicates to plot the target set.

Plot the surface of $w$

Plot the surface of $w$ for the last calculated inner or outer approximation.

toy.plot_w(1,2, 'o');

Various other examples

Van der Pol

The Van der Pol oscillator is a simple 2 dimensional system:

$$ \begin{pmatrix} \dot{x}_1 \\ \dot{x}_2 \end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} -2x_2 \\ 0.8x_1 + 10(x_1^2-0.21)x_2 \end{pmatrix} $$

vdp = SOStab([0;0],[1.1;1.1]);
vdp.dynamics = [-2*vdp.x(2); 0.8*vdp.x(1) + 10*(vdp.x(1)^2-0.21)*vdp.x(2)];
vovdp = value(vdp.vcoef_outer);
wovdp = value(vdp.wcoef_outer);
vivdp = value(vdp.vcoef_inner);
wivdp = value(vdp.wcoef_inner);
wivdp(1) = wivdp(1)-1;
if wivdp'*wivdp>0.00001
    disp("w not relevant")

Scaled pendulum

The pendulum is a simple example of "polynomialization" of a system.

$$\dot{\theta} = \sin(2\theta)=2\sin\theta\cos\theta $$

The system used as input of the toolbox will be $x= (\sin\theta, \cos\theta, \omega)$ (here $\omega=0$ is used for plotting in 2 dimensions), then we have:

$$\dot{x}= \begin{pmatrix}-2\sin\theta\cos^2\theta \\ 2\sin^2\theta\cos\theta \\ 0 \end{pmatrix}$$

Hence, the dynamic is indeed polynomial in the variables.

pen = SOStab([0;1;0],[1;1;1],[1,2]);
pen.dynamics = [-2*pen.x(1)*pen.x(2)^2;2*pen.x(1)^2*pen.x(2);0];
vopen = value(pen.vcoef_outer);
wopen = value(pen.wcoef_outer);
vipen = value(pen.vcoef_inner);
wipen = value(pen.wcoef_inner);
wipen(1) = wipen(1)-1;
if wipen'*wipen > 0.00001
    disp("w not relevant")

Power system

Consider an electrical power network made of synchronous machines connected in a cycle, along with its second reduced order model (see M. Anghel, F. Milano, and A. Papachristodoulou, "Algorithmic construction of Lyapunov functions for power system stability analysis"):

$$ \begin{align} \dot \theta_1 &= \omega_1, \qquad \dot \theta_2 = \omega_2 \ \dot \omega_1 &= -\sin\theta_1 - 0.5\sin(\theta_1-\theta_2) - 0.4 \, \omega_1 \ \dot \omega_2 &= -0.5\sin\theta_2 - 0.5\sin(\theta_2-\theta_1) - 0.5 \, \omega_2 + 0.05 \end{align} $$

Similarly to the pendulum, it can be polynomialized we the change of variable $x= (\sin\theta_1, \cos\theta_1, \sin\theta_2, \cos\theta_2,\omega_1, \omega_2)$. The RoA of the system is calculated by:

eq = [sin(0.02);cos(0.02);sin(0.06);cos(0.06);0;0];
dev = [1;1;1;1;pi;pi];
ang_ind = [1,2;3,4];
pow_sys = SOStab(eq,dev,ang_ind);
pow_sys.dynamics = [pow_sys.x(5)*pow_sys.x(2);-pow_sys.x(5)*pow_sys.x(1);...
vopow = value(pow_sys.vcoef_outer);
wopow = value(pow_sys.wcoef_outer);
wopow(1) = wopow(1)-1;
if wopow'*wopow > 0.00001
    disp("w not relevant")

Properties and methods of the class

Properties of the class are the following:

The class has seven methods: