drreddy / linkedin_public_profile_scraper

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A scraper written in ruby using Nokogiri to get the data available in public profile.

There are two types of uses:

  1. User can add various seed urls and the scraped data is stored in a output json file using the scrape.rb file.
  2. In the scraperClass folder a scraper class is available which can be directly used in you project directly (an example.rb file is also provided for usage info)

Note: Please check the robots.txt file on linkedIn website before using this scraper regarding the legal stuff




git clone git@github.com:drreddy/linkedin_public_profile_scraper.git
cd linkedin_public_profile_scraper
bundle install
If you use scrape.rb file, the output will be generated as a full_name.json file in 'output' folder (the program will create the folder if not exists)

Output Data (in full_name.json file)

            "education": "",
            "work": "",
            # this is dependent one each persons profile on the data they show
If you use the scraper class in your project, a hash will be returned by the class, the schema of which is same as above.



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