drsimonj / twidlr

data.frame-based API for model and predict functions
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twidlr: consistent data.frame and formula API for models


twidlr is an R package that exposes a consistent API for model functions and their corresponding predict methods such that they are specified as:

fit <- model(data, formula, ...)
predict(fit, data, ...)

Where "data" is a required data.frame (or able to be coerced to one) and "formula" is a formula (or string able to be coerced to one) that describes the model to be fitted.

twidlr gets its name from the "twiddle" used in R formulas.


twidlr is available to install from github by running:

# install.packages("devtools")


library(twidlr) exposes model functions that you're already familiar with, but such that they accept a data.frame first, formula second, and then additional arguments. A robust method to predict data is also exposed.

For example, a typical linear model would be lm(hp ~ mpg * wt, mtcars, ...). Once twidlr is loaded, the same model would be run via lm(mtcars, hp ~ mpg * wt, ...).


Modelling in R is messy! Some models take formulas and data frames while others require matrices and vectors. The same can be said of corresponding predict() methods, which can also be impure, returning unexpected or inconsistent results.

twidlr seeks to overcome these problems be providing:

twidlr models

Model functions exposed by twidlr:

Package Functions
e1071 naiveBayes, svm
gamlss gamlss
glmnet cv.glmnet, glmnet
lme4 glmer, lmer
quantreg crq, nlrq, rq, rqss
randomForest randomForest
rpart rpart
stats aov, factanal, glm, kmeans, lm, prcomp, t.test (now 'ttest')
xgboost xgboost


For conventions and best-practices when contributing to twidlr, please see CONTRIBUTING.md