drugpl / exceptioner

Exceptioner on drugs!
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= Exceptioner

Stay notified about exceptions by various transports Email, HTTP, Jabber, IRC, Campfire etc. Choose the option you want.

The most common use is to use Exceptioner as rack middleware and send notifications when an exception occur in you web application. It may be used with Rails, Sinatra or any other rack citizen. Exceptioner may be also used with any ruby code you want. Just configure delivery methods and don't miss any exception.

== Disclaimer

Still under development. Not released yet.

== Currently available delivery methods

== Usage

Note: Exceptioner is under heavy development and it is not recommended to use for production applications.

== Exceptioner-edge


# exceptioner-core
gem :exceptioner-core, :git => 'https://github.com/drugpl/exceptioner'

# use one or many of following transports
gem :exceptioner-mail, :git => 'https://github.com/drugpl/exceptioner'
gem :exceptioner-http, :git => 'https://github.com/drugpl/exceptioner'
gem :exceptioner-irc, :git => 'https://github.com/drugpl/exceptioner'
gem :exceptioner-jabber, :git => 'https://github.com/drugpl/exceptioner'
gem :exceptioner-redmine, :git => 'https://github.com/drugpl/exceptioner'

Run initializer

Exceptioner.setup do |config|

    config.transports = [:mail]

    config.mail.recipients = %w[me@example.org rms@example.com]


For transport specific options conform transport README

== Configuration


== Rails 3 users

Add to your Gemfile gem 'exceptioner'

and obviously run bundle install

Then copy config file to your application rails generate exceptioner:install.

You probably want to check config/initializers/exceptioner.rb and customize it a bit

== Rails 2.X users

Exceptioner::ApplicationController will be included into ActionController::Base. Create config/initializers/exceptioner.rb

Exceptioner.setup do |config|
    config.transports = [:mail]
    config.mail.recipients %w[me@example.net]
    # Lookup documentation for more config options

== Any Rack application users

gem install exceptioner

Then require exceptioner and add Exceptioner::Middleware to your stack

== Any Ruby application users

gem install exceptioner

Then require excptioner and use it like:

    # some code which may fail
rescue VeryFatalError => e

= Contributors

== Note on Patches/Pull Requests

== Copyright

Copyright (c) 2011 Dolnośląski Ruby User Group. See LICENSE for details.