drupalprojects / kalatheme

Mirror of http://drupal.org/project/kalatheme provided by hubdrop.
GNU General Public License v2.0
22 stars 29 forks source link

Attention fellow Kalathemers

Kalamuna has been developing exciting component-based, prototype-backed workflows over the past 2 years in Drupal 7 and 8 centered around our best-of-breed framework, Kalastatic.

This front-end model is a significant departure from the Panopoly-driven approach expressed by Kalatheme. To support this initiative in Drupal 8, we are advancing a lightweight base theme, Kalabase.

Kalatheme will continue to be supported and maintained for the Drupal 7 community at large, but we are not advancing an upgrade path to 8 with this project.



System Requirements

Unlike other Drupal themes Kalatheme requires some other modules to work properly. Please verify you have the following before proceeding with installation. If you fail to do as Kalatheme has requested it will bug you about it until the ending of the world.

  1. Libraries API 2.1+
  2. Panels 3.3+
  3. Views 3.x
  4. JQuery Update 2.x (with JQuery version set to 1.7+)
  5. PHP 5.3+
  6. Optional but highly recommended: Panopoly Theme
  7. Optional: A custom Bootstrap library

The easiest way to satisfy all of these requirements is to just start with Panopoly on Pantheon: https://drupal.org/node/2175703

Then install Kalatheme like any other Drupal theme: http://drupal.org/documentation/install/modules-themes

Some people also having troubles using the Kalacustomize plugin were helped by Patch #5 here:

2024441: Fatal error undefined function panels_plugin_get_function when doing #ajax on pane style form

which was rolled against Panels 3.3+41-dev.

UPDATE: This patch is now in the latest dev version of CTools/Panels.


Kalatheme is meant to be the base theme that is used to build more powerful subthemes. Subthemes inherit almost all of the propoerties of their base theme so you can reduce theme clutter and start on the 10th floor.

Luckily, Kalatheme features a pretty neat subtheme generation tool that will automatically set everything up for you and allow you to customize your subtheme. You don't even need to install a Bootstrap library, Kalatheme will pull one from Bootswatch (http://bootswatch.com/) for you!

Check out more documentation on the Kalatheme subtheme generator GUI: https://github.com/drupalprojects/kalatheme/wiki/Setup-and-Installation


Kalatheme no longer requires an installed Bootstrap library to work. Our subtheme generator does that for you. However, if you are looking to create a custom bootstrap library, here are some options:

If you choose to manually install a custom Bootstrap library, put your Bootstrap files in sites/all/libraries/CURRENT-THEME_bootstrap. For example, if you have a Kalatheme subtheme enabled called mytheme, you'd put Bootstrap's files in sites/all/libraries/mytheme_bootstrap. If you have Kalatheme set as your default theme, you'd use sites/all/libraries/kalatheme_bootstrap. This is so you can have differently customized installations of Bootstrap for different themes.

Custom Bootstrap libraries can use a non-standard files scheme so you need to make sure that your bootstrap directory looks like the following folders and files.

/CURRENT-THEME_bootstrap /CURRENT-THEME_bootstrap/css /CURRENT-THEME_bootstrap/css/bootstrap.css /CURRENT-THEME_bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css /CURRENT-THEME_bootstrap/fonts/ /CURRENT-THEME_bootstrap/js/ /CURRENT-THEME_bootstrap/js/bootstrap.js /CURRENT-THEME_bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js

IMPORTANT: The only actual requirement here is that either css/bootstrap.css or css/bootstrap.min.css exist and that they both have some sort of version information at the top like this:


Most themes have this by default and you can use the above as a basis. It is also worth noting that while you only need boostrap.(min).css for this to "work" you will likely be disappointed if you don't have the JS and font files as well.

If you have more files than what is listed above we recommend putting these files in a KalaSUBtheme.

You also do not need to have the minified files to get this to work but they are highly recommended for better performance.

Upgrading Bootstrap to 3.2

If you have a Custom Bootstrap library that is older than 3.2 you may not have the URL to rebuild the library. With 3.2, this is now added into the json file. However, it can be done with older bootstrap json files by following this StackOverflow post.