The package is currently under development. Please raise issues for any bugs you identify.
Please refer to package vignette and the wiki page for detailed information on the usage.
ggman(toy.gwas, snp = "snp", bp = "bp", chrom = "chrom", pvalue = "pvalue")
ggman(toy.gwas, snp = "snp", bp = "bp", chrom = "chrom", pvalue = "pvalue", relative.positions = TRUE)
#subset only the SNPs with -log10(pvalue) > 8
toy.gwas.sig <- toy.gwas[-log10(toy.gwas$pvalue)>8,]
## save the main layer in a variable
p1 <- ggman(toy.gwas, snp = "snp", bp = "bp", chrom = "chrom", pvalue = "pvalue", relative.positions = TRUE)
##add label
ggmanLabel(p1, labelDfm = toy.gwas.sig, snp = "snp", label = "snp")
ggmanLabel(p1, labelDfm = toy.gwas.sig, snp = "snp", label = "snp", type = "text")
ggmanHighlight(p1, highlight = toy.highlights)
ggmanHighlightGroup(p1, highlightDfm =, snp = "snp", group = "group",
size = 0.5, legend.title = "Significant groups")
gwas.clump <- read.table("plink.clumped", header = TRUE)
toy.clumps <- ggmanClumps(toy.clumped, index.snp.column = "SNP", clumps.column = "SP2")
ggman(toy.gwas,clumps = toy.clumps, snp = "snp", bp = "bp", chrom = "chrom", pvalue = "pvalue", relative.positions = TRUE, pointSize = 0.5)
toy.clumps <- ggmanClumps(toy.clumped, index.snp.column = "SNP", clumps.column = "SP2", group.column = "group", label.column = "label")
ggman(toy.gwas,clumps = toy.clumps, snp = "snp", bp = "bp", chrom = "chrom", pvalue = "pvalue", relative.positions = TRUE, pointSize = 0.5)
ggmanZoom(p1, chromosome = 1)
ggmanZoom(p1, chromosome = 1, start.position = 215388741, end.position = 238580695)
ggmanZoom(p1, chromosome = 1, start.position = 215388741, end.position = 238580695, = "gene", legend.title = "Genes")
ggman(toy.gwas, snp = "snp", bp = "bp", chrom = "chrom", pvalue = "pvalue", invert = TRUE, invert.method = 'or', invert.var = "or")
ggman(toy.gwas, snp = "snp", bp = "bp", chrom = "chrom", pvalue = "or", logTransform = FALSE, ymax = 3)
ggman(toy.gwas, snp = "snp", bp = "bp", chrom = "chrom", pvalue = "beta", logTransform = FALSE, ymin = -2, ymax = 2)