drventure / Disambiguator

KeePass plugin to help resolve ambiguities during AutoType
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DisambiguatorExt.TraverseControlTree #7

Open 4-FLOSS-Free-Libre-Open-Source-Software opened 7 months ago

4-FLOSS-Free-Libre-Open-Source-Software commented 7 months ago

The Disambiguator Got error:


An error was encountered:

System.ArgumentException: hwnd darf nicht IntPtr.Zero oder NULL sein.

   bei System.Windows.Automation.AutomationElement.FromHandle(IntPtr hwnd)

   bei Disambiguator.DisambiguatorExt.TraverseControlTree(IntPtr targetWindowHandle, Int32 depth)
drventure commented 7 months ago

Hmm, Normally, when invoked, Keepass gets a Window Handle of the "active" window, and then starts the process of determining which entries might apply to that window. The disambiguator hooks into that process and digs a little deeper into the target window to look for additional clues to more accurately identify the window.

Looks like Keepass sent a window handle to Disambiguator that was null, which normally shouldn't happen.

Is it possible that the target window was somehow closed before Keepass had a chance to send keystrokes to it?

Does this consistently happen or does it work most of the time?

What application are you sending keystrokes to?

and finally, does this only occur against that specific application or does it happen all the time, or to other applications?