drventure / Disambiguator

KeePass plugin to help resolve ambiguities during AutoType
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The Disambiguator


This is a plugin to KeePass http://www.KeePass.info to allow the AutoType functionality to work by ALSO matching the associated application file (the root EXE of the matched window) as well as matching a child control name or value within the target window. This allows a much finer grained control of matching that just window title alone.

For example, it's a fairly common occurrance to have two different applications both prompt the user for a password with a window title of "Enter Password".

In this case, KeePass can't distinguish one application's window from the other, and thus is forced to display the "Credential Chooser" window and make the user decide.

With Disambiguator, you can specify the actual Application Name in the Window Title Matching template string, which can then be used to tell one application's "Enter Password" dialog from another.

You can also specify a particular control name or property value that, if detected, can be used to choose a particular credential entry of others.



Place Disambiguator.plgx in your KeePass Plugins folder.


Delete Disambiguator.plgx from your KeePass Plugins folder.


You have several KeePass entries that match a single target input field and you'd like to be able to apply additional search constraints to eliminate the ambiguity and automatically select the correct entry to autotype.

For instance, Quicken has several popup windows that are titled "Enter Password". However, other apps ALSO have several popup windows titled "Enter Password". Since the Window Title is the only thing you can use for matching in this case, you'll always get the KeePass entry selection window when using AutoType.

Application Disambiguation Usage

To remove the ambiguity, The Disambiguator allows you to enter additional "tags" in the Window Title field in KeePass.

As an example, your current Window Title field contains

Enter Password

But this is also the Window title of several other KeePass entries, which causes an ambiguity.

Change the title to

Enter Password{exe:quicken}

And this wil cause The Disambiguator to check that the current window's application is "quicken.exe". If not, this Entry won't be considered for AutoType.

For the exe parameter, you can specify: o just the exe filename (the extension will be assumed to be "exe") o The filename including extension; {exe:quicken.exe} o a full path; {exe:c:\program files\MyApp\MyApp.exe} o A wildcard path; {exe:\MyApp.exe} o A RegEx path; {exe://.quicken/.exe//}

NOTE: All standard KeePass replaceable parameters are still honored in both the Window Title and in the exe parameter value. Also note that the Window Title (minus any specified tag entries) is also still compared to the title of the autotype target, unless the resulting Window Title is empty, in which case it's ignored.

Control Disambiguation Usage

Similiarly to using the Application to disambiguate a credentials entry, specific control properties of other controls on the target window can be used during the matching process. To support this Disambiguator uses the {ctl:} tag.

As an example, as in the above example, your current Window Title field contains:

Enter Password

But this is also the Window title of several other KeePass entries, which causes an ambiguity.

Using the {report} tag (described below), you can see that there is a child control named "lblPasswordValue" that is unique to this window.

Change the title to:

Enter Password{ctl:lblPasswordValue}

And this wil cause The Disambiguator to check that the current window contains a child control with the name "lblPasswordValue".

For the ctl parameter, you can specify: o The automation ID (or ID) of a control o The Name of a control o The Class Name of a control o a simple wildcard to match any of the above properties of a control, {ctl:lblPassword*} o A RegEx; {ctl://lblPassword(s)?Value//}

NOTE: All standard KeePass replaceable parameters are still honored in both the Window Title and in the ctl parameter value. Also note that the Window Title (minus any specified tag entries) is also still compared to the title of the autotype target, unless the resulting Window Title is empty, in which case it's ignored.


Sometimes, determining what to use for the Application Name or disambiguating child control can be tricky, so Disambiguator includes a "Report" tag to assist.

To use it, in a Window Title field, where you would normally enter the title and/or the {exe:name} or {ctl:name} tags, add the tag {report}.

Then invoke KeePass using the AutoType hotkey in the target application as normal.

KeePass will not actually autotype any credentials. Instead, a "Report" window will be displayed showing key information about the target window that can be used with the {exe:} or {ctl:} tags.


The Disambiguator does not expose access to your KeePass database in any way. It only extracts additional data from the target application, using standard Windows interfaces.

Password data is still transferred by KeePass, using Autotype, and the mechanism for this transfer is not altered at all by The Disambiguator.

Checking for updates

If you want to use the KeePass Check for Updates function to check for updates to this plugin then it requires the SourceForgeUpdateChecker plugin to be installed too: http://sourceforge.net/projects/kpsfupdatechecker


The Disambiguator was developed by drventure, based loosely on the Open Source WebAutoType project by CEPOCTb and a derived project by Alex Vallat.

Bug Reporting, Questions, Comments, Feedback, Donations

Please use the GitHub project page: https://github.com/drventure/Disambiguator Bugs can be reported using the issue tracker, for anything else, a wiki is available.


v1.0.6.0 Improved handling of failures when attempting to resolve control details via the MSAA layer. Even if the ID, Class, or Name can't be determined, if the other elements can, then we can still use the control for disambiguation.

v1.0.7.0 The Copy to Clipboard button on the Log Report window in some cases would sound an error sound and fail to copy the content of the report to the clipboard.

v1.0.6.0 Corrected issue with MSAA properties not being available in some cases, causes The Disambiguator to display an error instead of just continuing on and using whatever properties +were+ available.

v1.0.5.0 Corrected problem with CTL tag matching.

v1.0.4.0 Very minor release to improve one of the logging messages.

v1.0.3.0 Limits the depth of control tree traversal to 3 levels, which should significantly improve performance during autotype in certain target applications. Improved formatting of logging and report.

v1.0.2.0 Improved performance by only traversing the Target app control tree once. Caching precompiled Regexs if used. Added simple help page and menu access Added menu for turning on/off logging Added menu for turning on/off reporting (no need to use the {report} tag anymore) Improved error handling during sequence processing. Improved the packaging of released (still a work in progress)

v1.0.1.0 Minor changes to the {report} tag, so that during reporting, dependent controls are always scanned.

v1.0.0.0 Official first release version.

v0.0.2 Added support for the {ctl:} and {report} tags. Removed dead code. Updated the readme

v0.0.1 Initial release by drventure https://github.com/drventure/Disambiguator