drydart / flutter_sqlcipher

SQLCipher database plugin for Flutter apps.
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SQLCipher Database for Flutter

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This is a Flutter plugin that bundles and wraps SQLCipher for Android, an open-source extension to SQLite that provides transparent 256-bit AES encryption of database files.



Android only, at present. (iOS support is planned.)


Executing an arbitrary SQL statement

await db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS links");

// Create a bookmark links table:
await db.execSQL("""
  created_at DATETIME NOT NULL,
  updated_at DATETIME NULL

Executing an INSERT statement

// Insert a new link into the table:
var linkID = db.insert(
  table: "links",
  values: <String, dynamic>{
    "id": null, // auto-incremented ID assigned automatically
    "url": "http://example.org/",
    "created_at": DateTime.now().toUtc().millisecondsSinceEpoch ~/ 1000,
    "updated_at": null,

Executing an UPDATE statement

// Change the previously-inserted link from HTTP to HTTPS:
  table: "links",
  values: <String, dynamic>{
    "url": "https://example.org/",
    "updated_at": DateTime.now().toUtc().millisecondsSinceEpoch ~/ 1000,
  where: "id = ?",
  whereArgs: <String>[linkID.toString()],

Executing a DELETE statement

// Delete the previously-inserted link:
  table: "links",
  where: "id = ?",
  whereArgs: <String>[linkID.toString()],

Executing an arbitrary SQL query

for (var row in await db.rawQuery("SELECT 1 AS a, 2 as b, 3 AS c")) {
  print(row); // prints: {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}

Creating an in-memory database

import 'package:flutter_sqlcipher/sqlite.dart';

var db = await SQLiteDatabase.createInMemory();

Creating an on-disk database

This example also uses Context from the flutter_android package to obtain the app's cache directory path.

import 'package:flutter_sqlcipher/sqlite.dart';
import 'package:flutter_android/android_content.dart' show Context;

var cacheDir = await Context.cacheDir;
await cacheDir.create(recursive: true);

var cacheFile = File("${cacheDir.path}/cache.db");

var db = await SQLiteDatabase.openOrCreateDatabase(cacheFile.path);

Using a bundled database from the app's assets

(To be added.)

Frequently Asked Questions

Which releases of SQLite and SQLCipher does this plugin bundle?

SQLCipher for Android 4.0.0, SQLCipher 4.0.0, and SQLite 3.25.2.

Why this plugin instead of wrapping Android's native SQLite support?

Two good reasons are:

  1. Encryption. Android's native SQLite support does not feature database encryption. By using this plugin, you can trivially enable encryption for your app database, something likely appreciated by both you as well as your users.

  2. Compatibility. Android's native SQLite version varies greatly depending on the specific Android release, from SQLite 3.4 (released in 2007) to SQLite 3.19 (released in 2017, bundled in Android 8.1). Further, some device manufacturers include different versions of SQLite on their devices. By using this plugin, you gain a consistent, predictable, and up-to-date version of SQLite for your app regardless of the Android release your app runs on.

How much does using this plugin increase my final app size?

Due to the bundled SQLCipher native libraries, your final APK size currently increases by about 6.7 MiB. We are actively investigating ways to reduce that footprint. (e.g., pruning .so files and using ProGuard).

Why are some of the android.database.sqlite API methods missing?

We don't generally implement methods deprecated in the current Android API level. For example, the [SQLiteDatabase#isDbLockedByOtherThreads()](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase#isDbLockedByOtherThreads()) method was deprecated long ago (in Android 4.1), so we have omitted it from the Dart interface when implementing this plugin.




import 'package:flutter_sqlcipher/sqlcipher.dart';


import 'package:flutter_sqlcipher/sqlite.dart';


Datatype Mappings

Dart Class Dart API SQLite Storage Class Notes
null SQLiteCursor#isNull() NULL -
bool SQLiteCursor#getBool() INTEGER 0, 1
int SQLiteCursor#getInt() INTEGER -
double SQLiteCursor#getDouble() REAL -
String SQLiteCursor#getString() TEXT -
Uint8List SQLiteCursor#getBlob() BLOB -
DateTime SQLiteCursor#getDateTime() TEXT ISO-8601 "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSS"
DateTime SQLiteCursor#getDateTime() INTEGER Seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z

See Also