drzo / opensim4opencog

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        SWI-Prolog Distribution Directory

** Last update: Jan 27, 2011 (Version 5.11.14)


        Jan Wielemaker

HCS (Formery SWI)       Web and Media
University of Amsterdam     VU University Amsterdam
Kruislaan 419           De Boelelaan 1081a
1098 VA  Amsterdam      1081 HV Amsterdam
        The Netherlands
        E-mail: jan@swi-prolog.org

A list of contributors can be found at



Please find the up-to-date information on SWI-Prolog at the link below. You will find the latest sources (also accessible through GIT), a FAQ, mailinglist archive, various additional packages, etc.



Documentation is available on-line using the help/1 and apropos/1 commands. HTML and PDF versions of the manual are available from the SWI-Prolog download page. The add-on packages are documented in the doc/packages directory of the installed system. Many people opt for the online manual at the address below. This manual includes autocompletion to simplify searching:


If you cannot reach the internet you can install the website locally. The website source is in the git plweb.git:

% git clone git://www.swi-prolog.org/home/pl/git/plweb.git

The web-server software is SWI-Prolog itself (this requires many of the default packages installed). After downloading do:

% cd plweb
% swipl -s load.pl
?- server.

This starts the server at its default port: 3040.