dsccommunity / ActiveDirectoryCSDsc

DSC resources for installing or uninstalling Active Directory Certificate Services components in Windows Server.
MIT License
51 stars 31 forks source link
active-directory dsc dsc-resource-kit dsc-resources powershell-dsc


Build Status Code Coverage Azure DevOps tests PowerShell Gallery (with prereleases) PowerShell Gallery codecov

Code of Conduct

This project has adopted this code of conduct.


For each merge to the branch main a preview release will be deployed to PowerShell Gallery. Periodically a release version tag will be pushed which will deploy a full release to PowerShell Gallery.


Please check out common DSC Community contributing guidelines.

Change log

A full list of changes in each version can be found in the change log.


The ActiveDirectoryCSDsc DSC resources have been specifically tested as a method to populate a Certificate Services server role on Windows Server 2012 R2 and above after the Certificate Services role and the Web Enrollment feature have been enabled. Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS) is used to create certification authorities and related role services that allow you to issue and manage certificates used in a variety of applications.

This DSC resource can be used to address some of the most common scenarios including the need for a Stand-Alone Certificate Authority or an Active Directory Trusted Root Certificate Authority and the Certificate Services website for users to submit and complete certificate requests. In a specific example, when building out a web server workload such as an internal website that provides confidential information to be accessed from computers that are members of an Active Directory domain, AD CS can provide a source for the SSL certificates that will automatically be trusted.

Documentation and Examples

For a full list of resources in ActiveDirectoryCSDsc and examples on their use, check out the ActiveDirectoryCSDsc wiki.