dsccommunity / SecurityPolicyDsc

A wrapper around secedit.exe to configure local security policies
MIT License
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Could not convert Identity: BUILTIN to SID #190

Open husni-nilar opened 9 months ago

husni-nilar commented 9 months ago

I am using Powershell DSC to harden some systems and a weird issue is appearing on certain systems. Below is the error which appears:

"PowerShell DSC resource MSFT_UserRightsAssignment failed to execute Test-TargetResource functionality with error message: Could not convert Identity: BUILTIN to SID "

The instance in which these errors appear is at below:

 UserRightsAssignment Takeownershipoffilesorotherobjects {
            Policy   = 'Take_ownership_of_files_or_other_objects'
            Identity = 'Administrators'

        UserRightsAssignment Forceshutdownfromaremotesystem {
            Policy   = 'Force_shutdown_from_a_remote_system'
            Identity = 'Administrators'

        UserRightsAssignment Shutdownthesystem {
            Policy   = 'Shut_down_the_system'
            Identity = 'Administrators'

Would love to know what the issue might be exactly and how I can fix it.