dsccommunity / SecurityPolicyDsc

A wrapper around secedit.exe to configure local security policies
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A wrapper around secedit.exe to allow you to configure local security policies. This resource requires a Windows OS with secedit.exe.

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For further explanation of these settings, please consult Account Policies Reference.

Parameter Attribute DataType Description Allowed Values
Name Key String A unique name of the AccountPolicy resource instance. This is not used during configuration.
Enforce_password_history Write Uint32 Specifies the number of unique new passwords that must be associated with a user account before an old password can be reused. A number from 0 through 24 can be specified
Maximum_Password_Age Write Uint32 Specifies the period of time (in days) that a password can be used before the system requires the user to change it. A number from 0 through 999 can be specified, with 0 meaning the password will never expire
Minimum_Password_Age Write Uint32 Specifies the period of time (in days) that a password must be used before the user can change it. A number from 0 to 998 can be specified
Minimum_Password_Length Write Uint32 Specifies the least number of characters that can make up a password for a user account. A number from 0 to 14 can be specified
Password_mustmeet complexity_requirements Write String Specifies whether passwords must meet a series of guidelines that are considered important for a strong password Enabled, Disabled
Store_passwordsusing reversible_encryption Write String Specifies whether passwords are stored in a way that is reversible to provides support for applications that use protocols that require the user's password for authentication Enabled, Disabled
Account_lockout_duration Write Uint32 Specifies the number of minutes that a locked-out account remains locked out before automatically becoming unlocked. A number from 1 through 99,999 can be specified
Account_lockout_threshold Write Uint32 Specifies the number of failed sign-in attempts that will cause a user account to be locked
Reset_accountlockout counter_after Write Uint32 Specifies the number of minutes that must elapse from the time a user fails to log on before the failed logon attempt counter is reset to 0

Note: The below settings pertain to Kerberos policies and must be set by a member in the domain admins group.

Parameter Attribute DataType Description Allowed Values
Enforce_userlogon restrictions Write String Specifies whether the Kerberos V5 Key Distribution Center (KDC) validates every request for a session ticket against the user rights policy of the user account Enabled, Disabled
Maximumlifetime for_service_ticket Write Uint32 Specifies the maximum number of minutes that a granted session ticket can be used to access a particular service. A number from 10 to the value of the 'Maximum lifetime for service ticket' policy setting can be specified
Maximumlifetime for_user_ticket Write Uint32 Specifies the maximum amount of time (in hours) that a user's ticket-granting ticket can be used. A number from 0 to 99,999 can be specified
Maximumlifetime for_userticket renewal Write Uint32 Specifies the period of time (in days) during which a user's ticket-granting ticket can be renewed. A number from 0 to 99,999 can be specified
Maximumtolerance for_computerclock synchronization Write Uint32 Specifies the maximum time difference (in minutes) that Kerberos V5 tolerates between the time on the client clock and the time on the domain controller that provides Kerberos authentication


For further explanation of these settings, please consult Security Options Reference.

Parameter Attribute DataType Description Allowed Values
Name Key String Describes the security option to be managed. This could be anything as long as it is unique
AccountsAdministrator account_status Write String Determines whether the local Administrator account is enabled or disabled Enabled, Disabled
AccountsBlock Microsoft_accounts Write String Prevents using the Settings app to add a Microsoft account for single sign-on (SSO) authentication for Microsoft services and some background services, or using a Microsoft account for single sign-on to other applications or services. This policy is disabled, Users cant add Microsoft accounts, Users cant add or log on with Microsoft accounts
AccountsGuest account_status Write String Determines whether the Guest account is enabled or disabled Enabled, Disabled
Accounts_Limitlocal account_use_ofblank passwords_toconsole logon_only Write String Determines whether remote interactive logons by network services such as Remote Desktop Services, Telnet, and File Transfer Protocol (FTP) are allowed for local accounts that have blank passwords Enabled, Disabled
AccountsRename administrator_account Write String Determines whether a different account name is associated with the security identifier (SID) for the administrator account
AccountsRename guest_account Write String Determines whether a different account name is associated with the security identifier (SID) for the Guest account
Audit_Auditthe access_ofglobal system_objects Write String If you enable this policy setting, a default system access control list (SACL) is applied when the device creates system objects such as mutexes, events, semaphores, and MS-DOS devices. If you also enable the Audit object access audit setting, access to these system objects is audited Enabled, Disabled
Audit_Auditthe use_of_Backupand Restore_privilege Write String Determines whether to audit the use of all user rights, including Backup and Restore, when the Audit privilege use policy setting is configured Enabled, Disabled
Audit_Forceaudit policysubcategory settingsWindows Vista_or_laterto override_auditpolicy category_settings Write String Allows you to manage your audit policy in a more precise way by using audit policy subcategories Enabled, Disabled
Audit_Shutdown systemimmediately if_unable_tolog security_audits Write String Determines whether the system shuts down if it is unable to log security events Enabled, Disabled
DCOM_MachineAccess Restrictionsin SecurityDescriptor DefinitionLanguage SDDL_syntax Write String Allows you to define additional computer-wide controls that govern access to all Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM) based applications on a device
DCOM_MachineLaunch Restrictionsin SecurityDescriptor DefinitionLanguage SDDL_syntax Write String Allows you to define additional computer-wide controls that govern access to all DCOM based applications on a device. However, the ACLs that are specified in this policy setting control local and remote COM launch requests (not access requests) on the device
Devices_Allowundock without_havingto log_on Write String Enables or disables the ability of a user to remove a portable device from a docking station without logging on Enabled, Disabled
Devices_Allowedto format_andeject removable_media Write String Determines who is allowed to format and eject removable media. Administrators, Administrators and Power Users, Administrators and Interactive Users
DevicesPrevent users_frominstalling printer_drivers Write String Determines who can install a printer driver as part of adding a network printer Enabled, Disabled
DevicesRestrict CD_ROM_accessto locally_loggedon user_only Write String Determines whether a CD is accessible to local and remote users simultaneously Enabled, Disabled
DevicesRestrict floppy_accessto locally_loggedon user_only Write String Determines whether removable floppy disks are accessible to local and remote users simultaneously Enabled, Disabled
Domaincontroller Allow_serveroperators to_schedule_tasks Write String Determines whether server operators can use the 'at' command to submit jobs. Enabled, Disabled
Domaincontroller LDAPserver signing_requirements Write String Determines whether the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) server requires LDAP clients to negotiate data signing None, Require Signing
Domaincontroller Refusemachine accountpassword changes Write String Enables or disables blocking a domain controller from accepting password change requests for machine accounts Enabled, Disabled
Domainmember Digitallyencrypt or_signsecure channel_data_always Write String Determines whether all secure channel traffic that is initiated by the domain member must be signed or encrypted Enabled, Disabled
Domainmember Digitallyencrypt secure_channeldata when_possible Write String Determines whether all secure channel traffic that is initiated by the domain member must be encrypted Enabled, Disabled
Domainmember Digitallysign secure_channeldata when_possible Write String Determines whether all secure channel traffic that is initiated by the domain member must be signed Enabled, Disabled
Domainmember Disablemachine accountpassword changes Write String Determines whether a domain member periodically changes its machine account password Enabled, Disabled
Domainmember Maximummachine account_password_age Write String Determines when a domain member submits a password change
Domainmember Requirestrong Windows_2000or later_session_key Write String Determines whether a secure channel can be established with a domain controller that is not capable of encrypting secure channel traffic with a strong, 128-bit session key Enabled, Disabled
Interactivelogon Displayuser informationwhen the_session_is_locked Write String Controls whether details such as email address or domain\username appear with the username on the sign-in screen User displayname, domain and user names, User display name only, Do not display user information
Interactivelogon Do_notdisplay last_user_name Write String Determines whether the name of the last user to log on to the device is displayed on the Secure Desktop Enabled, Disabled
Interactivelogon Do_notrequire CTRL_ALT_DEL Write String Determines whether pressing CTRL+ALT+DEL is required before a user can log on Enabled, Disabled
Interactivelogon Machineaccount lockout_threshold Write String Allows you to set a threshold for the number of failed logon attempts that causes the device to be locked by using BitLocker
Interactivelogon Machine_inactivity_limit Write String Specifies the amount of inactive time before the user's session locks by invoking the screen saver
Interactivelogon Message_textfor usersattempting to_log_on Write String Specifies a text message to be displayed to users when they log on
Interactivelogon Message_titlefor usersattempting to_log_on Write String Specifies a message title to be displayed to users when they log on
Interactivelogon Number_ofprevious logons_to_cachein case_domaincontroller is_not_available Write String Determines whether a user can log on to a Windows domain by using cached account information
Interactivelogon Prompt_userto changepassword before_expiration Write String Determines how many days in advance users are warned that their passwords are about to expire
Interactivelogon RequireDomain Controller_ authenticationto unlock_workstation Write String Determines whether it is necessary to contact a domain controller to unlock a device Enabled, Disabled
Interactivelogon Require_smart_card Write String Requires users to log on to a device by using a smart card Enabled, Disabled
Interactivelogon Smart_cardremoval behavior Write String Determines what happens when the smart card for a logged-on user is removed from the smart card reader No Action, Lock workstation, Force logoff, Disconnect if a remote Remote Desktop Services session
Microsoftnetwork clientDigitally signcommunications always Write String If this policy setting is enabled, SMBv2 clients will digitally sign all packets Enabled, Disabled
Microsoftnetwork client_Digitallysign communicationsif server_agrees Write String If this policy setting is enabled, SMBv2 clients will digitally sign all packets if the server agrees Enabled, Disabled
Microsoftnetwork clientSend unencrypted_ password_tothird party_SMB_servers Write String Allows or prevents the SMB redirector to send plaintext passwords to a non-Microsoft server service that does not support password encryption during authentication Enabled, Disabled
Microsoftnetwork serverAmount of_idletime requiredbefore suspending_session Write String Determines the amount of continuous idle time that must pass in an SMB session before the session is suspended due to inactivity
Microsoftnetwork serverAttempt S4U2Self_toobtain claim_information Write String Specifies whether a Windows file server will attempt to use the Kerberos S4U2Self feature to obtain a claim-enabled access token for the client prinicipal if required. Default, Enabled, Disabled
Microsoftnetwork serverDigitally signcommunications always Write String Specifies whether an SMB server requires SMB network packets to be digitally signed Enabled, Disabled
Microsoftnetwork serverDigitally signcommunications if_client_agrees Write String Specifies whether an SMB server will negotaite to digitally sign SMB network packets with a client Enabled, Disabled
Microsoftnetwork serverDisconnect clients_whenlogon hours_expire Write String Enables or disables the forced disconnection of users who are connected to the local device using SMB outside their user account's valid logon hours Enabled, Disabled
Microsoftnetwork server_ServerSPN targetname validation_level Write String Controls the level of validation that a server with shared folders or printers performs on the service principal name (SPN) that is provided by the client device when the client device establishes a session by using the Server Message Block (SMB) protocol Off, Accept if provided by client, Required from client
Network_access _Allowanonymous SID_Name_translation Write String Enables or disables the ability of an anonymous user to request security identifier (SID) attributes for another user Enabled, Disabled
Networkaccess Do_notallow anonymous enumeration of_SAM_accounts Write String Determines which additional permissions will be assigned for anonymous connections to the device. Windows allows anonymous users to perform certain activities, such as enumerating the names of domain accounts and network shares Enabled, Disabled
Networkaccess Do_notallow anonymous enumeration of_SAMaccounts and_shares Write String Determines which additional permissions will be assigned for anonymous connections to the device. Windows allows anonymous users to perform certain activities, such as enumerating the names of domain accounts and network shares Enabled, Disabled
Networkaccess Do_not_allowstorage of_passwordsand credentialsfor network_authentication Write String Determines whether Credential Manager saves passwords and credentials for later use when it gains domain authentication Enabled, Disabled
Networkaccess LetEveryone permissionsapply to_anonymous_users Write String Determines what additional permissions are granted for anonymous connections to the device. If you enable this policy setting, anonymous users can enumerate the names of domain accounts and shared folders and perform certain other activities Enabled, Disabled
Networkaccess Named_Pipesthat can_beaccessed anonymously Write String Determines which communication sessions, or pipes, have attributes and permissions that allow anonymous access
Networkaccess Remotelyaccessible registry_paths Write String Determines which registry paths are accessible when an application or process references the WinReg key to determine access permissions
Networkaccess Remotelyaccessible registry_pathsand subpaths Write String Determines which registry paths and subpaths are accessible when an application or process references the WinReg key to determine access permissions
Networkaccess Restrictanonymous access_toNamed Pipes_and_Shares Write String Enables or disables the restriction of anonymous access to only those shared folders and pipes that are named in the 'Network access: Named pipes that can be accessed anonymously' and 'Network access: Shares that can be accessed anonymously' settings Enabled, Disabled
Networkaccess Restrictclients allowed_tomake remote_calls_to_SAM Write String[] The Permission and Identity required for restricted remote Sam access
Networkaccess Shares_that_canbe accessed_anonymously Write String Determines which shared folders can be accessed by anonymous users
Networkaccess Sharing_andsecurity model_forlocal accounts Write String Determines how network logons that use local accounts are authenticated Classic - Local users authenticate as themselves, Guest only - Local users authenticate as Guest
Networksecurity Allow_LocalSystem to_usecomputer identity_for_NTLM Write String Determines what identity to use for services running as Local System when NTLM is used Enabled, Disabled
Networksecurity AllowLocalSystem NULL_session_fallback Write String Determines whether services that request the use of session security are allowed to perform signature or encryption functions with a well-known key for application compatibility Enabled, Disabled
NetworkSecurity AllowPKU2U authenticationrequests to_thiscomputer to_use_online_identities Write String Determines whether authentication is allowed between two or more computers that have established a peer relationship through the use of online IDs Enabled, Disabled
Networksecurity Configureencryption types_allowedfor Kerberos Write String[] Allows you to set the encryption types that the Kerberos protocol is allowed to use DES_CBC_CRC, DES_CBC_MD5, RC4_HMAC_MD5, AES128_HMAC_SHA1, AES256_HMAC_SHA1, FUTURE
Networksecurity Do_not_storeLAN Manager_hashvalue on_nextpassword change Write String Determines whether LAN Manager is prevented from storing hash values for the new password the next time the password is changed Enabled, Disabled
Networksecurity Force_logoffwhen logon_hours_expire Write String Determines whether to disconnect users who are connected to the local device using SMB outside their user account's valid logon hours Enabled, Disabled
Networksecurity LANManager authentication_level Write String Determines which challenge or response authentication protocol is used for network logons Send LM & NTLM responses, Send LM & NTLM - use NTLMv2 session security if negotiated, Send NTLM responses only, Send NTLMv2 responses only, Send NTLMv2 responses only. Refuse LM, Send NTLMv2 responses only. Refuse LM & NTLM
Networksecurity LDAPclient signing_requirements Write String Determines the level of data signing that is requested on behalf of client devices that issue LDAP BIND requests None, Negotiate Signing, Require Signing
Networksecurity Minimumsession security_forNTLM SSP_basedincluding secure_RPC_clients Write String Allows a client device to require the negotiation of 128-bit encryption or NTLMv2 session security Require NTLMv2 session security, Require 128-bit encryption, Both options checked
Networksecurity Minimumsession security_forNTLM SSP_basedincluding secure_RPC_servers Write String Allows a client device to require the negotiation of 128-bit encryption or NTLMv2 session security Require NTLMv2 session security, Require 128-bit encryption, Both options checked
Networksecurity RestrictNTLM Add_remoteserver exceptionsfor NTLM_authentication Write String Allows you to create an exception list of remote servers to which client devices are allowed to use NTLM authentication if the 'Network security: Restrict NTLM: Outgoing NTLM traffic to remote servers' policy setting is configured
Networksecurity RestrictNTLM Add_serverexceptions in_this_domain Write String Allows you to create an exception list of servers in this domain to which client device are allowed to use NTLM pass-through authentication if any of the deny options are set in the 'Network Security: Restrict NTLM: NTLM authentication in this domain' policy setting
NetworkSecurity RestrictNTLM Incoming_NTLM_Traffic Write String Allows you to deny or allow incoming NTLM traffic from client computers, other member servers, or a domain controller Allow all, Deny all domain accounts, Deny all accounts
NetworkSecurity RestrictNTLM NTLMauthentication in_this_domain Write String Allows you to deny or allow NTLM authentication within a domain from this domain controller Disable, Deny for domain accounts to domain servers, Deny for domain accounts, Deny for domain servers, Deny all
NetworkSecurity RestrictNTLM Outgoing_NTLMtraffic to_remote_servers Write String Allows you to deny or audit outgoing NTLM traffic from a computer running Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, or later to any remote server running the Windows operating system Allow all, Audit all, Deny all
NetworkSecurity RestrictNTLM AuditIncoming NTLM_Traffic Write String Allows you to audit incoming NTLM traffic Disabled, Enable auditing for domain accounts, Enable auditing for all accounts
NetworkSecurity RestrictNTLM AuditNTLM authentication_ in_this_domain Write String Allows you to audit on the domain controller NTLM authentication in that domain Disable, Enable for domain accounts to domain servers, Enable for domain accounts, Enable for domain servers, Enable all
Recoveryconsole Allowautomatic administrative_logon Write String Determines whether the built-in Administrator account password must be provided before access to the Recovery Console on the device is granted Enabled, Disabled
Recoveryconsole Allowfloppy copy_andaccess to_all_drivesand folders Write String Enables or disables the Recovery Console SET command Enabled, Disabled
ShutdownAllow system_to_beshut down_withouthaving to_log_on Write String Determines whether a device can be shut down without having to log on to Windows Enabled, Disabled
ShutdownClear virtualmemory pagefile Write String Determines whether the virtual memory paging file is cleared when the device is shut down Enabled, Disabled
Systemcryptography Forcestrong key_ protection_foruser keys_stored_onthe computer Write String Determines whether users can use private keys, such as their Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME) key, without a password User input is not required when new keys are stored and used, User is prompted when the key is first used, User must enter a password each time they use a key
Systemcryptography Use_FIPScompliant algorithmsfor encryptionhashing and_signing Write String Determines whether the TLS/SSL security provider supports only the FIPS-compliant strong cipher suite Enabled, Disabled
Systemobjects Requirecase insensitivityfor nonWindows subsystems Write String Determines whether case insensitivity is enforced for all subsystems Enabled, Disabled
Systemobjects Strengthendefault permissionsof internal_systemobjects eg_Symbolic_Links Write String Determines the strength of the default discretionary access control list (DACL) for objects Enabled, Disabled
Systemsettings Optional_subsystems Write String Determines which subsystems support your applications
Systemsettings UseCertificate Rules_onWindows Executablesfor SoftwareRestriction Policies Write String Determines whether digital certificates are processed when software restriction policies are enabled and a user or process attempts to run software with an .exe file name extension Enabled, Disabled
User_AccountControl AdminApproval Mode_for_the_Builtin Administrator_account Write String Determines the behavior of Admin Approval Mode for the built-in administrator account Enabled, Disabled
User_AccountControl AllowUIAccess applications_toprompt for_elevationwithout using_thesecure desktop Write String Controls whether User Interface Accessibility (UIAccess or UIA) programs can automatically disable the secure desktop for elevation prompts that are used by a standard user Enabled, Disabled
User_AccountControl Behavior_ofthe elevation_promptfor administrators_ in_AdminApproval Mode Write String Determines the behavior of the elevation prompt for accounts that have administrative credentials Elevate without prompting, Prompt for credentials on the secure desktop, Prompt for consent on the secure desktop, Prompt for credentials, Prompt for consent, Prompt for consent for non-Windows binaries
User_AccountControl Behavior_ofthe elevation_promptfor standard_users Write String Determines the behavior of the elevation prompt for standard users Automatically deny elevation request, Prompt for credentials on the secure desktop, Prompt for credentials
User_AccountControl Detectapplication installationsand prompt_for_elevation Write String Determines the behavior of application installation detection for the entire system Enabled, Disabled
User_AccountControl Onlyelevate executables_thatare signed_and_validated Write String Enforces public key infrastructure (PKI) signature checks on any interactive application that requests elevation of privilege Enabled, Disabled
User_AccountControl Only_elevateUIAccess applications_thatare installed_insecure locations Write String Enforces the requirement that apps that request running with a UIAccess integrity level (by means of a marking of UIAccess=true in their app manifest), must reside in a secure location on the file system Enabled, Disabled
User_AccountControl Run_alladministrators in_AdminApproval Mode Write String Determines the behavior of all User Account Control (UAC) policies for the entire system Enabled, Disabled
User_AccountControl Switch_to_thesecure desktopwhen prompting_for_elevation Write String Determines whether the elevation request prompts on the interactive user desktop or on the secure desktop Enabled, Disabled
User_AccountControl Virtualize_fileand registry_writefailures to_per_user_locations Write String Enables or disables the redirection of the write failures of earlier applications to defined locations in the registry and the file system Enabled, Disabled


Parameter Attribute DataType Description Allowed Values
IsSingleInstance Key String Specifies the resource is a single instance, the value must be 'Yes' Yes
Path Required String The path to the desired security policy template (.inf)


Parameter Attribute DataType Description Allowed Values
Policy Key String The policy name of the user rights assignment to be configured. Create_a_token_object, Access_this_computer_from_the_network, Change_the_system_time, Deny_log_on_as_a_batch_job, Deny_log_on_through_Remote_Desktop_Services, Create_global_objects, Remove_computer_from_docking_station, Deny_access_to_this_computer_from_the_network, Act_as_part_of_the_operating_system, Modify_firmware_environment_values, Deny_log_on_locally, Access_CredentialManager as_a_trusted_caller, Restore_files_and_directories, Change_the_time_zone, Replace_a_process_level_token, Manage_auditing_and_security_log, Create_symbolic_links, Modify_an_object_label, Enable_computer_and_useraccounts to_be_trusted_for_delegation, Generate_security_audits, Increase_a_process_working_set, Take_ownership_offiles or_other_objects, Bypass_traverse_checking, Log_on_as_a_service, Shut_down_the_system, Lock_pages_in_memory, Impersonate_aclient after_authentication, Profile_system_performance, Debug_programs, Profile_single_process, Allow_log_onthrough Remote_Desktop_Services, Allow_log_on_locally, Increase_scheduling_priority, Synchronize_directory_service_data, Add_workstations_to_domain, Adjust_memory_quotas_for_a_process, Obtain_an_impersonation_tokenfor another_user_in_the_same_session, Perform_volume_maintenance_tasks, Load_and_unload_device_drivers, Force_shutdown_from_a_remote_system, Back_up_files_and_directories, Create_a_pagefile, Deny_log_on_as_a_service, Log_on_as_a_batch_job, Create_permanent_shared_objects
Identity Required String[] The identity of the user or group to be added or removed from the user rights assignment.
Force Write Boolean Specifies to explicitly assign only the identities defined
Ensure Write String Desired state of resource. Present, Absent