dsccommunity / cNtfsAccessControl

The cNtfsAccessControl DSC resource module.
MIT License
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The cNtfsAccessControl module contains DSC resources for NTFS access control management.

You can also download this module from the PowerShell Gallery.

This project is no longer actively maintained.



The cNtfsPermissionEntry DSC resource provides a mechanism to manage NTFS permissions.


The cNtfsPermissionsInheritance DSC resource provides a mechanism to manage NTFS permissions inheritance.


1.4.1 (February 6, 2019)

1.4.0 (October 1, 2018)

Special thanks to Scott Matthews (@mrhockeymonkey)!

1.3.1 (January 16, 2018)

1.3.0 (May 04, 2016)

1.2.0 (February 19, 2016)

1.1.1 (October 15, 2015)

1.1.0 (September 30, 2015)

1.0.0 (September 29, 2015)


Assign NTFS permissions

This example shows how to use the cNtfsPermissionEntry DSC resource to assign NTFS permissions.

Configuration Sample_cNtfsPermissionEntry
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        $Path = (Join-Path -Path ([System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath()) -ChildPath ([Guid]::NewGuid().Guid))

    Import-DscResource -ModuleName cNtfsAccessControl
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName PSDesiredStateConfiguration

    File TestDirectory
        Ensure = 'Present'
        DestinationPath = $Path
        Type = 'Directory'

    # Ensure that a single permission entry is assigned to the local 'Users' group.
    cNtfsPermissionEntry PermissionSet1
        Ensure = 'Present'
        Path = $Path
        Principal = 'BUILTIN\Users'
        AccessControlInformation = @(
                AccessControlType = 'Allow'
                FileSystemRights = 'ReadAndExecute'
                Inheritance = 'ThisFolderSubfoldersAndFiles'
                NoPropagateInherit = $false
        DependsOn = '[File]TestDirectory'

    # Ensure that multiple permission entries are assigned to the local 'Administrators' group.
    cNtfsPermissionEntry PermissionSet2
        Ensure = 'Present'
        Path = $Path
        Principal = 'BUILTIN\Administrators'
        AccessControlInformation = @(
                AccessControlType = 'Allow'
                FileSystemRights = 'Modify'
                Inheritance = 'ThisFolderOnly'
                NoPropagateInherit = $false
                AccessControlType = 'Allow'
                FileSystemRights = 'ReadAndExecute'
                Inheritance = 'ThisFolderSubfoldersAndFiles'
                NoPropagateInherit = $false
                AccessControlType = 'Allow'
                FileSystemRights = 'AppendData', 'CreateFiles'
                Inheritance = 'SubfoldersAndFilesOnly'
                NoPropagateInherit = $false
        DependsOn = '[File]TestDirectory'

    # Ensure that all explicit permissions associated with the 'Authenticated Users' group are removed.
    cNtfsPermissionEntry PermissionSet3
        Ensure = 'Absent'
        Path = $Path
        Principal = 'NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users'
        DependsOn = '[File]TestDirectory'

$OutputPath = Join-Path -Path ([System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath()) -ChildPath 'Sample_cNtfsPermissionEntry'
Sample_cNtfsPermissionEntry -OutputPath $OutputPath
Start-DscConfiguration -Path $OutputPath -Force -Verbose -Wait

Disable NTFS permissions inheritance

This example shows how to use the cNtfsPermissionsInheritance DSC resource to disable NTFS permissions inheritance.

Configuration Sample_cNtfsPermissionsInheritance
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        $Path = (Join-Path -Path ([System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath()) -ChildPath ([Guid]::NewGuid().Guid))

    Import-DscResource -ModuleName cNtfsAccessControl
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName PSDesiredStateConfiguration

    File TestDirectory
        Ensure = 'Present'
        DestinationPath = $Path
        Type = 'Directory'

    # Disable NTFS permissions inheritance.
    cNtfsPermissionsInheritance DisableInheritance
        Path = $Path
        Enabled = $false
        PreserveInherited = $true
        DependsOn = '[File]TestDirectory'

$OutputPath = Join-Path -Path ([System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath()) -ChildPath 'Sample_cNtfsPermissionsInheritance'
Sample_cNtfsPermissionsInheritance -OutputPath $OutputPath
Start-DscConfiguration -Path $OutputPath -Force -Verbose -Wait