dschep / ntfy

🖥️📱🔔 A utility for sending notifications, on demand and when commands finish.
GNU General Public License v3.0
4.83k stars 214 forks source link
bash linux macos notifications push-notifications windows zsh

About ntfy

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.. |Version| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/ntfy.svg?logo=data%3Aimage/svg%2Bxml%3Bbase64%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%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%3D .. _Version: https://pypi.org/project/ntfy/ .. |Docs| image:: http://readthedocs.org/projects/ntfy/badge/?version=latest .. _Docs: http://ntfy.readthedocs.org/en/stable/?badge=latest .. |Build| image:: 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https://requires.io/github/dschep/ntfy/requirements/?branch=master .. |SayThanks| image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/Say%20Thanks-!-1EAEDB.svg .. _SayThanks: https://saythanks.io/to/dschep

ntfy brings notification to your shell. It can automatically provide desktop notifications when long running commands finish or it can send push notifications to your phone when a specific command finishes. Confused? This video demonstrates some of this functionality:

.. image:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dschep/ntfy/master/docs/demo.gif


.. code:: shell

$ sudo pip install ntfy
$ ntfy send test
# send a notification when the command `sleep 10` finishes
# this sends the message '"sleep 10" succeeded in 0:10 minutes'
$ ntfy done sleep 10
$ ntfy -b pushover -o user_key t0k3n send 'Pushover test!'
$ ntfy -t 'ntfy' send "Here's a custom notification title!"
$ echo -e 'backends: ["pushover"]\npushover: {"user_key": "t0k3n"}' > ~/.ntfy.yml
$ ntfy send "Pushover via config file!"
$ ntfy done --pid 6379  # pid extra
$ ntfy send ":tada: ntfy supports emoji! :100:"  # emoji extra
# Enable shell integration
$ echo 'eval "$(ntfy shell-integration)"' >> ~/.bashrc


The install technique in the quickstart is the suggested method of installation. It can be installed in a virtualenv, but with some caveats: Linux notifications require --system-site-packages for the virtualenv and OS X notifications don't work at all.

:penguin: NOTE: Linux Desktop Notifications <#linux-desktop-notifications---linux> require Python DBUS bindings. See here <#linux-desktop-notifications---linux> for more info.

Shell integration

``ntfy`` has support for **automatically** sending notifications when long
running commands finish in bash and zsh. In bash it emulates zsh's preexec and
precmd functionality with `rcaloras/bash-preexec <https://github.com/rcaloras/bash-preexec>`_.
To enable it add the following to your ``.bashrc`` or ``.zshrc``:

.. code:: shell

    eval "$(ntfy shell-integration)"

By default it will only send notifications for commands lasting longer than 10
seconds and if the terminal is focused. Terminal focus works on X11(Linux) and
with Terminal.app and iTerm2 on MacOS. Both options can be configured via the
``--longer-than`` and ``--foreground-too`` options.

To avoid unnecessary notifications when running interactive programs, programs
listed in ``AUTO_NTFY_DONE_IGNORE`` don't generate notifications. For example:

.. code:: shell

    export AUTO_NTFY_DONE_IGNORE="vim screen meld"


ntfy has a few features that require extra dependencies.

To install multiple extras, separate with commas: e.g., pip install ntfy[pid,emoji].

Configuring ntfy

ntfy is configured with a YAML file stored at ~/.ntfy.yml or in standard platform specific locations:


The backends key specifies what backends to use by default. Each backend has
its own configuration, stored in a key of its own name. For example:

.. code:: yaml

        - pushover
        user_key: hunter2
        access_token: hunter2
        key: hunter2
        token: slacktoken
        recipient: "#slackchannel"
         jid: "user@gmail.com"
         password: "xxxx"
         mtype: "chat"
         recipient: "me@jit.si"

If you want mulitple configs for the same backend type, you can specify any
name and then specify the backend with a backend key. For example:

.. code:: yaml

        user_key: hunter2
        backend: pushover
        user_key: hunter2

See the backends below for available backends and options. As of v2.6.0 ``ntfy`` also supports
`3rd party backends <#3rd-party-backends>`_

`Pushover <https://pushover.net>`_ - ``pushover``

Required parameters:

Optional parameters:

Pushbullet <https://pushbullet.com>_ - pushbullet

Required parameter:
    * ``access_token`` - Your Pushbullet access token, created at https://www.pushbullet.com/#settings/account

Optional parameters:
    * ``device_iden`` - a device identifier, if omited, notification is sent to all devices
    * ``email`` - send notification to pushbullet user with the specified email or send an email if they aren't a pushullet user

`Simplepush <https://simplepush.io>`_ - ``simplepush``

Required parameter:

Optional parameters:

XMPP - xmpp

Requires parameters:
    * ``jid``
    * ``password``
    * ``recipient``
Optional parameters
    * ``hostname`` (if not from jid)
    * ``port``
    * ``path_to_certs``
    * ``mtype``

Requires extras, install like this: ``pip install ntfy[xmpp]``.

To verify the SSL certificates offered by a server:
path_to_certs = "path/to/ca/cert"

Without dnspython library installed, you will need
to specify the server hostname if it doesn't match the jid.

Specify port if other than 5222.
NOTE: Ignored without specified hostname

NOTE: Google Hangouts doesn't support XMPP since 2017

`Telegram <https://telegram.org>`_ - ``telegram``

Requires extras, install like this: pip install ntfy[telegram].

Requires ntfy to be installed as ntfy[telegram]. This backend is configured the first time you will try to use it: ntfy -b telegram send "Telegram configured for ntfy".

Pushjet <https://pushjet.io/>_ - pushjet

Required parameter:
    * ``secret`` - The Pushjet service secret token, created with http://docs.pushjet.io/docs/creating-a-new-service

Optional parameters:
    * ``endpoint`` - custom Pushjet API endpoint
        (defaults to https://api.pushjet.io)
    * ``level`` - The importance level from 1(low) to 5(high)
    * ``link``

`Notifico <https://n.tkte.ch/>`_ - ``notifico``

Required parameter:

Slack <https://slack.com>_ - slack

Requires extras, install like this: ``pip install ntfy[slack]``.

Required parameter:
    * ``token`` - The Slack service secret token, either a legacy user token created at https://api.slack.com/custom-integrations/legacy-tokens or a token obtained by creating an app at https://api.slack.com/apps?new_app=1 with ``chat:write:bot`` scope and linking it to a workspace.
    * ``recipient`` - The Slack channel or user to send notifications to. If you use the ``#`` symbol the message is send to a Slack channel and if you use the ``@`` symbol the message is send to a Slack user.

`Slack Incoming Webhook <https://slack.com>`_ - ``slack_webhook``

Required parameter:

Instapush <https://instapush.im/>_ - insta

Requires extras, install like this ``pip install ntfy[instapush]``.

Instapush does not support notification title.
It sends template-driven notifications, so you have to setup you events on the dashboard first.
The backend is called insta due to homonymy with the instapush python wrapper

Required parameters:
    * ``appid`` - The application id
    * ``secret`` - The application secret
    * ``event_name`` - The instapush event to be used
    * ``trackers`` - The array of trakers to use

Note on trackers:
Trackers are placeholders for events (a sort of notification template). If you defined more than one tracker in your event
you'll have to provide more messages. At the moment, the only way to do so is to separate each message with a colon (:) character.
You can also escape the separator character:

.. code:: shell

    ntfy -b insta send "message1:message2"
    ntfy -b insta send "message1:message2\:with\:colons"

`Prowl <https://www.prowlapp.com/>`_ - ``prowl``

Optional parameters:

Linux Desktop Notifications <https://developer.gnome.org/notification-spec/>_ - linux

Works via `dbus`, works with most DEs like Gnome, KDE, XFCE and with libnotify.

The following dependecies should be installed.

.. code:: shell

    $ sudo apt install python-dbus # on ubuntu/debian

You will need to install some font that supports emojis (in Debian `fonts-symbola` or Gentoo `media-fonts/symbola`).

Optional parameters:
    * ``icon`` - Specifies path to the notification icon, empty string for no icon.
    * ``urgency`` - Specifies the urgency level (low, normal, critical).
    * ``transient`` - Skip the history (exp: the Gnome message tray) (true, false).
    * ``soundfile`` - Specifies the notification sound file (e.g. /usr/share/sounds/notif.wav).
    * ``timeout`` - Specifies notification expiration time level (-1 - system default, 0 - never expire).

Windows Desktop Notifications - ``win32``

Uses pywin32.

Mac OS X Notification Center - darwin

Requires ``ntfy`` to be installed globally (not in a virtualenv).

System log - ``systemlog``

Uses the syslog core Python module, which is not available on Windows platforms.

Optional parameters:

Termux:API <https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.termux.api&hl=en>_ - termux

Requires the app to be install from the Play store and the CLI utility be
installed with ``apt install termux-api``.

`Pushalot <https://pushalot.com>`_ - ``pushalot``

Required parameter:

Optional parameters:

Rocket.Chat <https://rocket.chat>_ - rocketchat

Requires extras, install like this: ``pip install ntfy[rocketchat]``.

Required parameters:
    * ``url`` - URL of your Rocket.Chat instance
    * ``username`` - login username
    * ``password`` - login password
    * ``room`` - room/channel name to post in

`Matrix.org <https://matrix.org>`_ - ``matrix``

Requires extras, install like this: pip install ntfy[matrix].

Required parameters:

You must either specify token, or userId and password.

Webpush <https://github.com/dschep/ntfy-webpush>_ - ntfy_webpush

Webpush support is provded by an external ntfy module, install like this: ``pip install ntfy ntfy-webpush``.

Required parameters:
  * ``subscription_info`` - A `PushSubscription <https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/PushSubscription>`_ Object
  * ``private_key`` - the path to private key file or anything else that works with `pywebpush <https://github.com/web-push-libs/pywebpush>`_.

For more info, see _`ntfy-webpush` <https://github.com/dschep/ntfy-webpush>`_

3rd party backends

To use or implement your own backends, specify the full path of the module as your backend. The module needs to contain a module with a function called notify with the following signature:

.. code:: python

def notify(title, message, **kwargs):
    kwargs contains retcode if using ntfy done or ntfy shell-integration
    and all options in your backend's section of the config

Other options

Title is configurable with the `title` key in the config. Example:

.. code:: yaml

    title: Customized Title

Backends ToDo


.. code:: shell

python setup.py test
